Department News

생체모방 소프트 모핑 기반 기술 세미나

Seminar Date 2011-08-29
1. 제 목: Large-Eddy Simulation of Marine Propellers in Crashback Condition on Massive Parallel Platform

2. 연 사 : Hyunchul Jang (Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics, University of Minnesota)
1999년 B.S. Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, SNU
2004년 M.S. Mechanical and aerospace engineering, SNU
2011년 Ph.D. Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics, University of Minnesota
현 재 Post Doc. University of Minnesota

3. 일 시 : 2011년 8월 30일 (화) 14:00

4. 장 소 : 신공학관(301동) 103호

5. 요 약 :
Crashback is an operating condition to quickly stop a propelled vehicle, where the propeller rotates in the reverse direction to yield negative thrust. The crashback condition is dominated by the interaction of the free stream flow with the strong reverse flow. This interaction forms a highly unsteady vortex ring, and causes highly unsteady loads. The highly unsteady loads can cause propeller blade damage, and also affect vehicle maneuverability. Crashback is, however, well known as one of the most challenging propeller states to analyze due to its large scale unsteadiness. Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) is used to solve the highly unsteady flow in a rotating reference frame with massive parallel computing. The objectives of this study are: (1) to understand the flow physics of crashback in marine propellers with and without a submarine hull, (2) to develop a finite volume method for highly skewed meshes which usually occur in complex propeller geometries, and (3) to develop a sliding interface method for simulations of rotor-stator propeller on parallel computing platforms.

6. 문 의 : 기계항공공학부 최 해 천 교수 (☏ 880-8361)