Department News
[기계전공대학원세미나] 주상우 교수(영남대학교)
Seminar Date
1. 제 목 : Critical Phenomena in Microscale Electrokinetic Flows
2. 연 사 : 주상우 교수(영남대 기계공학과)
3. 일 시 : 2010년 11월 5일 (금) 16:30-17:30
4. 장 소 : 301동 105호
5. 연사약력 :
<연구분야> 기계공학, 열유체공학, 에너지공학, 나노공학, 바이오공학
학사/석사: 서울대학교 (1982/1984)
박사: U. Michigan, Ann Arbor (1989)
1984.02 - 1985.07 ㈜제일합섬 기술연구소 연구원
1989.09 - 1992.05 Northwestern U. 응용수학과 post-doc
1991.09 - 1992.05 U. Illinois at Chicago 기계공학과 조교수 (비정년)
1992.05 - 1996.05 Wayne State U. 기계공학과 조교수
1995.09 - 현재 영남대학교 기계공학부 교수
NASA Lewis (1994, 1995), Cambridge U. 응용수학 및 이론물리학과 (1996),
Augsburg U. 물리학과 (1997), Northwestern U. 응용수학과 (1998/9), UNLV 기계공학과 (2007/8)
<현재 학내 보직>
WCU 나노사업단장, KIMM-YU 협력센터장, 국제처장, 한국어교육원장, 국제학부장
<최근 SCI 논문>
2010년 17편, 2009년 11편, 2008년 7편
<최근 저서>
Technical Writing: An Introducation (Pegasus 2010), 쉽게 배우는 유체역학 (교학사 2008)
6. 내용 요약
With recent development of novel small-scale devices and fabrication processes electrokinetic flows with moving boundaries have emerged as very important subjects of investigation. Two immiscible fluids may need to be transported in a microchannel, or one side of a channel may be open to air for various purposes, including absorption of airborne molecules to liquid for high-sentitivity substance detection. The liquid/gas interface in these cases can deform, resulting in significant corrugations followed sometimes by incipient rupture of liquid layers. For electroosmotic flow, the rupture, leading to shortcircuit, can cause overall failure of the device or the process. It is thus imperative to know the conditions for the rupture as well as the initial interfacial instability. The stability and subsequent nonlinear developments of free surface electroosmotic flows will be addresssed. Another critical phenomenon to be discussed is choking of phoretic particles. When the channel cross-section is nonuniform, the dielectrophoretic force can prevent particles smaller than the channel size from being transported downstream. Depending upon applications this phenomenon must be avoided or can be utilized in particle sorting process, for example. Quantitative parametric study will be reported for practical applications in micro-devices.
7. 문 의 : 기계항공공학부 송한호 교수 (☏ 880-1651)
2. 연 사 : 주상우 교수(영남대 기계공학과)
3. 일 시 : 2010년 11월 5일 (금) 16:30-17:30
4. 장 소 : 301동 105호
5. 연사약력 :
<연구분야> 기계공학, 열유체공학, 에너지공학, 나노공학, 바이오공학
학사/석사: 서울대학교 (1982/1984)
박사: U. Michigan, Ann Arbor (1989)
1984.02 - 1985.07 ㈜제일합섬 기술연구소 연구원
1989.09 - 1992.05 Northwestern U. 응용수학과 post-doc
1991.09 - 1992.05 U. Illinois at Chicago 기계공학과 조교수 (비정년)
1992.05 - 1996.05 Wayne State U. 기계공학과 조교수
1995.09 - 현재 영남대학교 기계공학부 교수
NASA Lewis (1994, 1995), Cambridge U. 응용수학 및 이론물리학과 (1996),
Augsburg U. 물리학과 (1997), Northwestern U. 응용수학과 (1998/9), UNLV 기계공학과 (2007/8)
<현재 학내 보직>
WCU 나노사업단장, KIMM-YU 협력센터장, 국제처장, 한국어교육원장, 국제학부장
<최근 SCI 논문>
2010년 17편, 2009년 11편, 2008년 7편
<최근 저서>
Technical Writing: An Introducation (Pegasus 2010), 쉽게 배우는 유체역학 (교학사 2008)
6. 내용 요약
With recent development of novel small-scale devices and fabrication processes electrokinetic flows with moving boundaries have emerged as very important subjects of investigation. Two immiscible fluids may need to be transported in a microchannel, or one side of a channel may be open to air for various purposes, including absorption of airborne molecules to liquid for high-sentitivity substance detection. The liquid/gas interface in these cases can deform, resulting in significant corrugations followed sometimes by incipient rupture of liquid layers. For electroosmotic flow, the rupture, leading to shortcircuit, can cause overall failure of the device or the process. It is thus imperative to know the conditions for the rupture as well as the initial interfacial instability. The stability and subsequent nonlinear developments of free surface electroosmotic flows will be addresssed. Another critical phenomenon to be discussed is choking of phoretic particles. When the channel cross-section is nonuniform, the dielectrophoretic force can prevent particles smaller than the channel size from being transported downstream. Depending upon applications this phenomenon must be avoided or can be utilized in particle sorting process, for example. Quantitative parametric study will be reported for practical applications in micro-devices.
7. 문 의 : 기계항공공학부 송한호 교수 (☏ 880-1651)