Department News

[WCU]Computer-Aided Materials Design for Nano Sensor Applications 세미나

Seminar Date 2010-06-03
1.제목 : Computer-Aided Materials Design for Nano Sensor Applications

2.연사 : Hyunju Chang (Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology (KRICT))

3.일시 : 2010년 6월 7일 (월) 오후 3시

4.장소 : 301동 1409-1호 세미나실

Hyunju Chang received the B.S. degree and the M.S. degree in Physics from Seoul National University, in 1986 and 1988, respectively. She received Ph.D. degree in condensed matter theory from Michigan State University in 1995. During 1995-1996, Dr. Hyunju Chang worked as a post-doctoral researcher at the dept. of Materials Sci. Eng. in Northwestern University. At 1996, she joined the Advanced Materials Div. of Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology (KRICT) as a senior researcher, and became a principle researcher at 2005. Currently, Dr. Hyunju Chang is the head of Nano-Bio Fusion Research Center at KRICT since 2007.

문의 : 기계항공공학부 조경재 교수 (880-1709)