Department News

[항공]Shock Wave Measurements in Small Diameter Tube by using Laser Differential Interferometer

Seminar Date 2010-03-30
1.Title: Shock Wave Measurements in Small Diameter Tube by using Laser Differential Interferometer

2. Speaker: Prof. ShinsukeUdagawa(Tokyo Metropolitan College of Industrial Technology)

3. Time: 2010년4월1일(목) 10:00 ~ 11:00 AM

4. Place: 서울대학교301동1355-2호

5. Abstract: We have performed the shock wave measurements in small diameter tubes, using laser differential interferometer near the end of the tube. Originally developed diaphragmless driver section is used to generate the shock wave in small diameter tubes. Additionally the Mach numbers of the shock wave are obtained from the interferometric signal measurements under several initial pressure ratio and tube diameter. As a consequence, the difference between experimental results and theoretical solution occurred. It is attributed that the friction effect between the inner wall of the shock tube and the test gas increases with decreasing the inner diameter of the shock tube.

6. Bio: B. of Eng., Chiba University, Japan(2002)M. of Eng., Chiba University, Japan (2004)DAAD Visiting Researcher, Univ. of Appl. Sci., Emden/Leer, Germany (2007)Assist. Prof., Tokyo Metro. College of Industrial Tech., Japan (2008~)

7. Contact: 기계항공공학부Ardian GojaniBK교수/ 여재익교수(☏880-1721)