Department News
[기계]Prof. Hedrick(UC Berkeley)초청 세미나 개최
Seminar Date
1. 일시: 2009년 10월 29일(목) 10:30-12:00
2. 장소: 301동 118호
3. Abstract:
The field of mechatronics has made possible new levels of automation. The reduced cost of sensors, actuators and microprocessors, combined with the on-going development of sophisticated control algorithms, has made possible many new feedback control systems. These include industrial robots, autopilots, vehicle control systems for speed/inter-vehicle spacing, dynamic stability control, collision avoidance…. The list goes on and on.
This talk reviews the early work in automated vehicles at UC Berkeley and the transition from automated systems that could perform a set of tasks defined by a human to autonomous systems that can be asked to perform far more complicated tasks and can accomplish them independent of further instruction from a human controller. Finally, ongoing developmental research in the use of autonomous, unmanned, air vehicles to form a mobile sensor network will be described.
4. Bio
The James Marshall Wells Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of California at Berkeley. The PI of the Office of Naval Research center at Berkeley, the Center for the Collaborative Control of Unmanned Vehicles.
The Chair of the Mechanical Engineering Department at UC Berkeley from 1999-2004.
The Director of the University of California PATH Research Center, from 1997-2003
Professor of Mechanical Engineering at MIT from 1974-1988
Currently the editor of the ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurements and Control. The editor of the Vehicle Systems Dynamics Journal, 1992-2002
Fellow of ASME and Chairman of the Dynamic Systems and Controls Division, 1988-1998 Speaker of the ASME Nyquist Lecture at the ASME DSCD conference in October, 2009.
ASME, Dynamic Systems and Control Division’s Outstanding Investigator Award,, 2000
ASME, DSM&C Journal’s Best Paper Award (1983&2001)
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems and Technology’s Outstanding Paper Award (1998)
American Automatic Control Council's O. Hugo Schuck Best Paper Award (2003).
ASME's 2006 Rufus Oldenburger Medal
5. 담당: 이경수 교수 (880-1941)
2. 장소: 301동 118호
3. Abstract:
The field of mechatronics has made possible new levels of automation. The reduced cost of sensors, actuators and microprocessors, combined with the on-going development of sophisticated control algorithms, has made possible many new feedback control systems. These include industrial robots, autopilots, vehicle control systems for speed/inter-vehicle spacing, dynamic stability control, collision avoidance…. The list goes on and on.
This talk reviews the early work in automated vehicles at UC Berkeley and the transition from automated systems that could perform a set of tasks defined by a human to autonomous systems that can be asked to perform far more complicated tasks and can accomplish them independent of further instruction from a human controller. Finally, ongoing developmental research in the use of autonomous, unmanned, air vehicles to form a mobile sensor network will be described.
4. Bio
The James Marshall Wells Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of California at Berkeley. The PI of the Office of Naval Research center at Berkeley, the Center for the Collaborative Control of Unmanned Vehicles.
The Chair of the Mechanical Engineering Department at UC Berkeley from 1999-2004.
The Director of the University of California PATH Research Center, from 1997-2003
Professor of Mechanical Engineering at MIT from 1974-1988
Currently the editor of the ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurements and Control. The editor of the Vehicle Systems Dynamics Journal, 1992-2002
Fellow of ASME and Chairman of the Dynamic Systems and Controls Division, 1988-1998 Speaker of the ASME Nyquist Lecture at the ASME DSCD conference in October, 2009.
ASME, Dynamic Systems and Control Division’s Outstanding Investigator Award,, 2000
ASME, DSM&C Journal’s Best Paper Award (1983&2001)
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems and Technology’s Outstanding Paper Award (1998)
American Automatic Control Council's O. Hugo Schuck Best Paper Award (2003).
ASME's 2006 Rufus Oldenburger Medal
5. 담당: 이경수 교수 (880-1941)
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