Department News

[기계] Dynamics and Morphology of Expanding Spherical Flames

Seminar Date 2009-06-04
1. 제 목 : Dynamics and Morphology of Expanding Spherical Flames

2. 연 사 : C. K. Law(Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Princeton University)

3. 일 시 : 2009년 6월 4일 (목) 17:00 ~ 18:30

4. 장 소 : 차세대자동차연구센터 2층 세미나실(314동 211호)

5. 내 용 :
The dynamics of expanding spherical flames is of interest to a variety of practical and natural phenomena, such as the intentional and accidental spark ignition of a combustible mixture, and the explosion of the supernovae through the deflagration to detonation transition of the nuclear flame. Fundamentally, these processes are characterized by strong stretch effects during the early stage of flame propagation, and flamefront cellular instability during the later stage. The seminar will cover topics on the minimum critical radius for successful ignition, the nonlinear variation of the flame propagation speed with the stretch rate, transition to cellularity induced by hydrodynamic and diffusional-thermal instabilities, self-acceleration and the self-similar nature of the propagation, transition to detonation, and the formation of spiral waves and target patterns over the expanding flame surface as manifestations of diffusional-thermal pulsating instability. Theoretical and experimental results will be presented in a synergistic manner to demonstrate the rigor and beauty of combustion science.

6. 약 력 :
1973 Ph.D. in Engineering Physics, University of California at San Diego
1988- Robert H. Goddard Professor (1995- ), Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Princeton University
1984-1988 Professor, University of California at Davis
1976-1984 Professor, Northwestern University
1973-1975 General Motors Research Laboratories
The Combustion Institute, President (2000-2004).
Fellow; ASME, AIA, APS
Member, National Academy of Engineering (NAE)
Alfred C. Egerton Gold Medal, The Combustion Institute, 2006.
Highly Cited Researcher in Engineering; recognized by the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) as one of the hundred highly cited authors in engineering world-wide, in the inaugural year (2002) of establishing the Highly Cited Researchers database.

7. 문 의 : 기계항공공학부 정석호 교수 (☏ 880-7114)