Department News

[기계]Variable valve activation for improved efficiently DISI engines

Seminar Date 2009-05-29
1.제 목 : Variable valve activation for improved efficiently DISI engines

2.연 사 : Nicolas LADOMATOS
Kennedy Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Head of Department of Mechanical Engineering
University College London

3.일 시 : 2009년 5월 29일 (금) 17:00 ~ 18:00

4.장 소 : 차세대자동차연구센터(314동) 4층 NGV ‘희망’ 강의장

5.연구분야 :
<Research Interests>
Combustion processes in internal combustion engines, generation of exhaust pollutants,
liquid and gaseous fuels for internal combustion engines

<Research Supervision>
-Successful completion of 18 PhD students as sole or first supervisor
-Successful completion since 1984 of over 25 major research projects as
Principal Investigator sponsored by EPSRC, EU, and industrial companies
-PhD external examiner for over 25 Vivas in the UK and overseas

-With Prof H. Zhao major book on Engine Instrumentation,
Flow and Combustion Diagnostics (>800 pages, published in the US by SAE), 2001
-Principal author and co-author of over130 scientific papers,
half in international refereed journals (five journal papers won “best paper” prizes).

6.문 의 : 기계항공공학부 민경덕 교수 (☏ 880-1661)