Department News

[기계전공대학원세미나](3월 20일)Physical acoustics: from here to Hollywood to eternity

Seminar Date 2009-03-20
1.제목 : Physical acoustics: from here to Hollywood to eternity

2.일시 : 2009년 3월 20일 (금) 16:30-17:30

3.연사 : Ohm, Won-Suk(School of Mechanical Engineering, Yonsei University)

4. 연사약력 :
<Education >
B.S., Mechanical Engineering, KAIST, 1994
M.S.E. & Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, Univ. of Texas at Austin, 2001
<Employment >
National Research Council Canada, 2002-2005
Medison Co., Ltd., 2006-2008
Yonsei University, 2008-present

5. 내용요약 :
In the minds of the general public and professionals alike, acoustics
registers as a rather esoteric branch of science and engineering. This talk is
intended to "break the ice" for non-practitioners of acoustics by giving some
snapshots, particularly in the field of physical acoustics. (In order to avoid
doing disservice to the TGIF audience, the talk will be given in an informal
fashion with minimal use of equations.) Highlighted in the first half of the
talk is the research activities at the Yonsei Acoustics Program, regarding
ultrasonics in medicine and nondestructive evaluation. The second half is
about hot topics in physical acoustics, some of which made it to the
headlines of the major media outlets around the world and even garnered
the attention of Hollywood movie producers. These range from the
controversy surrounding the acoustic inertial confinement fusion (aka
bubble fusion) to the sound of the Big Bang.

6. 문 의 : 기계항공공학부 전누리 교수(☏ 880-7111)