Department News

[항공전공세미나-항공우주문제특강과목] On the advancement of aviation technology and air traffic control system

Seminar Date 2007-10-26
1. 제 목 : On the advancement of aviation technology and air traffic control system

2. 연 사 : 염찬홍, 한국항공우주연구원 항공사업단 책임연구원

3. 일 시 : 2007년 10월 26일(금요일) 오후 4:00-5:00

4. 장 소 : 서울대학교 301동 1512호 세미나실

5. 내 용 :
This seminar discusses the recent progress and development in the area of aviation technology, especially regarding air traffic control (ATC) system. Safety and efficiency are two major factors of Air transportation. In order to achieve a safe flying and efficient use of civil air space, a well established air traffic control system is required. Also a huge system consisting of various kinds of sensors and computing and data processing equipments is vital for an ATC system. In this seminar an overview of air traffic system will be presented with the CNS/ATM technology. Current status of ATC systems in advanced countries such as U.S. and EU are reviewed. Also domestic ATC technology development strategy will be reviewed in addition to the current status in detail.

6. 약 력 :
2006. 4 - 2007. 4 : Visiting Scholar, Aerospace Engineering, University of Maryland at College Park
2003. 3 - 2006. 2 : Director, Aeronautical Systems Division, KARI
2001. 2 - 2003. 2 : Head, Airship Research Department, KARI
1999. 6 - 2001. 1 : Head, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Research Department, KARI
1997. 3 - Current : Principal Research Engineer, Aeronautics Program Office, KARI
1990.11 - 1997. 2 : Senior Research Engineer, Aeronautics Program Office, KARI
1989.10 - 1990.10 : Research Associate, Aerospace Engineering, Univ. of Maryland

7. 문 의 : 기계항공공학부 기 창 돈 교수 (☏ 02-880-1912)