Department News
[항공전공세미나-항공우주문제특강과목] Flexible Skins for Morphing Aircraft
Seminar Date
1. 제 목 : Flexible Skins for Morphing Aircraft
2. 연 사 : Farhan Gandhi, Professor, Aerospace Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University
3. 일 시 : 2007년 10월 19일(금요일) 오후 4:00-5:00
4. 장 소 : 서울대학교 301동 1512호
5. 내 용 : Morphing aircraft wings require skins with unique properties, the most of important of which are - (1) low in-plane stiffness, (2) high strain capability, and (3) high out-of-plane stiffness. Low in-plane stiffness reduces the actuation force and power required for morphing. The strain capability depends on the “type” of morphing. For example, the strains in the skin may be as little as 2% for camber variation, but may be as high as 50-100% for large span and chord variations. High out-of-plane stiffness is required to prevent local deformation of skin “panels” (between underlying supports) due to aerodynamic pressure loading, and buckling of skin sections under compressive loading. The seminar will describe research focused on two different concepts to realize such highly anisotropic skin designs. The first concept is a sandwiched skin with a cellular core support and a highly flexible facesheet. The second concept uses flexible matrix composites comprising of stiff fibers in a soft polymeric matrix. The geometries of the cellular core that are well-suited for flexible skins will be examined. Similarly, the use of flexible matrix composite skins for one-dimensional morphing applications will be discussed.
6. 약 력 :
2006.5 - Present Professor, The Pennsylvania State University
2001.5 - 2006.5 Associate Professor, The Pennsylvania State University
1995.10 - 2001.5 Assistant Professor, The Pennsylvania State University
1992.5 - 1995.8 Ph. D, Aerospace Engineering, University of Maryland
1989.8 - 1992.5 M.S., Aerospace Engineering, University of Maryland
1985.8 - 1989.7 B.S., Aeronautical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology
7. 문 의 : 기계항공공학부 기 창 돈 교수 (☏ 02-880-1912)
2. 연 사 : Farhan Gandhi, Professor, Aerospace Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University
3. 일 시 : 2007년 10월 19일(금요일) 오후 4:00-5:00
4. 장 소 : 서울대학교 301동 1512호
5. 내 용 : Morphing aircraft wings require skins with unique properties, the most of important of which are - (1) low in-plane stiffness, (2) high strain capability, and (3) high out-of-plane stiffness. Low in-plane stiffness reduces the actuation force and power required for morphing. The strain capability depends on the “type” of morphing. For example, the strains in the skin may be as little as 2% for camber variation, but may be as high as 50-100% for large span and chord variations. High out-of-plane stiffness is required to prevent local deformation of skin “panels” (between underlying supports) due to aerodynamic pressure loading, and buckling of skin sections under compressive loading. The seminar will describe research focused on two different concepts to realize such highly anisotropic skin designs. The first concept is a sandwiched skin with a cellular core support and a highly flexible facesheet. The second concept uses flexible matrix composites comprising of stiff fibers in a soft polymeric matrix. The geometries of the cellular core that are well-suited for flexible skins will be examined. Similarly, the use of flexible matrix composite skins for one-dimensional morphing applications will be discussed.
6. 약 력 :
2006.5 - Present Professor, The Pennsylvania State University
2001.5 - 2006.5 Associate Professor, The Pennsylvania State University
1995.10 - 2001.5 Assistant Professor, The Pennsylvania State University
1992.5 - 1995.8 Ph. D, Aerospace Engineering, University of Maryland
1989.8 - 1992.5 M.S., Aerospace Engineering, University of Maryland
1985.8 - 1989.7 B.S., Aeronautical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology
7. 문 의 : 기계항공공학부 기 창 돈 교수 (☏ 02-880-1912)