Department News
[항공전공세미나-항공우주문제특강과목] Development trend and growing prospect of UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle)
Seminar Date
1. 제 목 : Development trend and growing prospect of UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle)
2. 연 사 : 장두현, Auditor, Korea Unmanned Vehicle Systems Association
3. 일 시 : 2007년 10월 12일(금요일) 오후 4:00-5:00
4. 장 소 : 서울대학교 301동 15층 세미나실(1512호)
5. 내 용 : UAV, with its emergence as a new leading part in the battle fields of the present and future due to its remarkable performances shown in recent wars, has greater potentialities for civilian applications as well, which has led each nation, including U.S., to plunge into keen competition for a second aerial market that is being newly formed and expanded.
The purpose of this seminar is to look into the domestic and overseas development prospect of UAV along with its worldwide growing trend after getting hold of basic knowledge about UAV system, and, based on it, describe the existing situation of UAV technology and market in Korea, and then survey its future technology development and market growth potential. In particular, the current and future prospects and problems of the military and civilian UAV in Korea will be examined more concretely. This seminar will provide an excellent opportunity for the general public and students who are interested in UAV.
6. 약 력 :
2007.8.31 육군대령 예편, 한국 무인기 협회(KUVSA) 감사,항공우주연구원(KARI) 스마트무인기 기술개발사업단 연구원
2006.1- 2007. 육군대학 연구관 (“한국항공우주산업의 총아 무인항공기” 저서 발간)
2002.9- 2005.12 전남대학교 학군단장
1998.11- 2001.12 육군본부 정보과장 / 정보계획과장 (육군 UAV 전력화 책임)
1993.10-1998.11 국방대학원 안보과정,수도방위사령부 정보처장, 보병 제3사단 23연대장
1981.3- 1983.2 고려대학교 대학원 석사과정 (정치외교학)
1971.3- 1975.3 육군사관학교 학사과정 (국제관계)
7. 문 의 : 기계항공공학부 기 창 돈 교수 (☏ 02-880-1912)
2. 연 사 : 장두현, Auditor, Korea Unmanned Vehicle Systems Association
3. 일 시 : 2007년 10월 12일(금요일) 오후 4:00-5:00
4. 장 소 : 서울대학교 301동 15층 세미나실(1512호)
5. 내 용 : UAV, with its emergence as a new leading part in the battle fields of the present and future due to its remarkable performances shown in recent wars, has greater potentialities for civilian applications as well, which has led each nation, including U.S., to plunge into keen competition for a second aerial market that is being newly formed and expanded.
The purpose of this seminar is to look into the domestic and overseas development prospect of UAV along with its worldwide growing trend after getting hold of basic knowledge about UAV system, and, based on it, describe the existing situation of UAV technology and market in Korea, and then survey its future technology development and market growth potential. In particular, the current and future prospects and problems of the military and civilian UAV in Korea will be examined more concretely. This seminar will provide an excellent opportunity for the general public and students who are interested in UAV.
6. 약 력 :
2007.8.31 육군대령 예편, 한국 무인기 협회(KUVSA) 감사,항공우주연구원(KARI) 스마트무인기 기술개발사업단 연구원
2006.1- 2007. 육군대학 연구관 (“한국항공우주산업의 총아 무인항공기” 저서 발간)
2002.9- 2005.12 전남대학교 학군단장
1998.11- 2001.12 육군본부 정보과장 / 정보계획과장 (육군 UAV 전력화 책임)
1993.10-1998.11 국방대학원 안보과정,수도방위사령부 정보처장, 보병 제3사단 23연대장
1981.3- 1983.2 고려대학교 대학원 석사과정 (정치외교학)
1971.3- 1975.3 육군사관학교 학사과정 (국제관계)
7. 문 의 : 기계항공공학부 기 창 돈 교수 (☏ 02-880-1912)