Department News
[기계] GE's LSRC, 50 Years of Aero Advancements
Seminar Date
1. 제 목 : "GE's LSRC, 50 Years of Aero Advancements"
2. 연 사 : Dr. Hyoun-Woo Shin, General Electric Aviation, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
3. 일 시 : 2007년 10월 12일(금) 11:00
4. 장 소 : 301동 117호 세미나실
5. 내 용 :
Since its establishment 50 years ago, the Low Speed Research Compressor (LSRC)
has made significant contributions to advancing technology in the area of
turbomachinery aerodynamics.
In 1958, the LSRC was first used to investigate the effect of stator shrouds
on stall margin. Then, an investigation of aspect ratio effects on compressor
stall was conducted to resolve stall margin problems. Parametric studies of
solidity, camber, stagger, reaction, and clearance followed, and these data
contributed to the development of the Compressor Unification Study (CUS)
analysis as the preeminent preliminary design tool for all GE compressors.
Since 1973, the LSRC has been used to improve the efficiency and stage loading
capability of GE’s product families of compressors.
During 1978-1982, the LSRC also supported the development of blading for the
GE/NASA E3 compressor, which was later scaled to become the GE90 compressor.
As airfoil design progressed from 2D shapes in the 1970s to 3D shapes in the
80s and 90s, the LSRC tested many “3D Aero” models for the CF6, CFM56, GE90,
and TECH56 compressor families. Blading geometry features such as custom-
tailored airfoils, end-bends, lean, bow, and forward sweep were found to
produce smaller wakes and improve endwall performance.
An important issue, the sensitivity of compressor performance to changes in
rotor tip clearance, has been measured on all low-speed models of CF6, CFM56,
GE90 and TECH56 compressors. These results are incorporated into our design
Tests today are supporting the development of airfoil shapes for the advanced
technology LEAP56 compressor.
6. 문 의 : 기계항공공학부 송성진 교수(☏ 880-1667)
2. 연 사 : Dr. Hyoun-Woo Shin, General Electric Aviation, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
3. 일 시 : 2007년 10월 12일(금) 11:00
4. 장 소 : 301동 117호 세미나실
5. 내 용 :
Since its establishment 50 years ago, the Low Speed Research Compressor (LSRC)
has made significant contributions to advancing technology in the area of
turbomachinery aerodynamics.
In 1958, the LSRC was first used to investigate the effect of stator shrouds
on stall margin. Then, an investigation of aspect ratio effects on compressor
stall was conducted to resolve stall margin problems. Parametric studies of
solidity, camber, stagger, reaction, and clearance followed, and these data
contributed to the development of the Compressor Unification Study (CUS)
analysis as the preeminent preliminary design tool for all GE compressors.
Since 1973, the LSRC has been used to improve the efficiency and stage loading
capability of GE’s product families of compressors.
During 1978-1982, the LSRC also supported the development of blading for the
GE/NASA E3 compressor, which was later scaled to become the GE90 compressor.
As airfoil design progressed from 2D shapes in the 1970s to 3D shapes in the
80s and 90s, the LSRC tested many “3D Aero” models for the CF6, CFM56, GE90,
and TECH56 compressor families. Blading geometry features such as custom-
tailored airfoils, end-bends, lean, bow, and forward sweep were found to
produce smaller wakes and improve endwall performance.
An important issue, the sensitivity of compressor performance to changes in
rotor tip clearance, has been measured on all low-speed models of CF6, CFM56,
GE90 and TECH56 compressors. These results are incorporated into our design
Tests today are supporting the development of airfoil shapes for the advanced
technology LEAP56 compressor.
6. 문 의 : 기계항공공학부 송성진 교수(☏ 880-1667)