Department News
Status and Prospects of UV-Nanoimprint Technology
Seminar Date
1. 제 목 : Status and Prospects of UV-Nanoimprint Technology
2. 연 사 : Dr. M. Bender
3. 일 시 : 2006년 2월 21일 화요일 오후 3시 ~ 4시
4. 장 소 : 301동 117호 세미나실
5. 내 용 : After almost a decade of work and investigation into technology, nanoimprint finally made it into the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors and was added to the list of possible candidates for a post optical lithography at the 32 nm node. Nanoimprint Lithography (NIL) has been gaining attention and momentum through several technology generations, starting 1995 with hot embossing techniques [1] followed by more elaborate approaches and finally ending up with UV-based approaches (UV-NIL) that exhibit several decisive technical advantages [2,3]. There a coating of a low viscosity monomer is later polymerized by UV-light that cross-links the resist to form solid structures on nanoscale. Two different approaches of UV-NIL are pursuit currently [4,5]. A low viscosity layer is either deposited by spin-coating or by an array of droplets.
In this talk the main technical advantages of spin-coated UV-curable resists as used by the Aachen-Group since years are presented in comparison to other known printing techniques, followed by a detailed analysis of technical prospects using molds of different rigidity. The influence of ambient pressure during imprinting is illustrated and some important process specific details revealed. First applications in the UV-NIL are presented in the field of nanoelectronic, photonic and biology.
6. 연사약력 : Study of Electrical Engineering at the RWTH Aachen
Diploma in 1999, Tiltle of the Thesis “Fabrication of Polymer Waveguides for integrated Optoelectronics
PHd Degree in 2003, Title of the Thesis “Development of UV-based step&repeat Nanoimprintlithography”
Since 2003 Project Manager for Nanoimprint Technology at the AMO GmbH
Research fields: UV-curable resist system, Soft UV-Nanoimprintlithography, Step&repeat Nanoimprintlithography with quartz templates
7. 문 의 : 기계항공공학부 서 갑 양 교수 (☏ 880-9103)
2. 연 사 : Dr. M. Bender
3. 일 시 : 2006년 2월 21일 화요일 오후 3시 ~ 4시
4. 장 소 : 301동 117호 세미나실
5. 내 용 : After almost a decade of work and investigation into technology, nanoimprint finally made it into the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors and was added to the list of possible candidates for a post optical lithography at the 32 nm node. Nanoimprint Lithography (NIL) has been gaining attention and momentum through several technology generations, starting 1995 with hot embossing techniques [1] followed by more elaborate approaches and finally ending up with UV-based approaches (UV-NIL) that exhibit several decisive technical advantages [2,3]. There a coating of a low viscosity monomer is later polymerized by UV-light that cross-links the resist to form solid structures on nanoscale. Two different approaches of UV-NIL are pursuit currently [4,5]. A low viscosity layer is either deposited by spin-coating or by an array of droplets.
In this talk the main technical advantages of spin-coated UV-curable resists as used by the Aachen-Group since years are presented in comparison to other known printing techniques, followed by a detailed analysis of technical prospects using molds of different rigidity. The influence of ambient pressure during imprinting is illustrated and some important process specific details revealed. First applications in the UV-NIL are presented in the field of nanoelectronic, photonic and biology.
6. 연사약력 : Study of Electrical Engineering at the RWTH Aachen
Diploma in 1999, Tiltle of the Thesis “Fabrication of Polymer Waveguides for integrated Optoelectronics
PHd Degree in 2003, Title of the Thesis “Development of UV-based step&repeat Nanoimprintlithography”
Since 2003 Project Manager for Nanoimprint Technology at the AMO GmbH
Research fields: UV-curable resist system, Soft UV-Nanoimprintlithography, Step&repeat Nanoimprintlithography with quartz templates
7. 문 의 : 기계항공공학부 서 갑 양 교수 (☏ 880-9103)