Department News

I. Boiling Phenomena in Microchannels , II. Microscale Boiling Nucleation and Bu

Seminar Date 2004-09-01
1. 제 목 : I. Boiling Phenomena in Microchannels

II. Microscale Boiling Nucleation and Bubble Dynamics

III. Pore-Scale Transport Phenomena in Porous Media

2. 연 사 : Prof. Xiao-Feng PENG

Thermal Engineering Department,

Tsinghua University,Beiging, China

3. 일 시 : 2004년 9월 8일 수요일 11시~12시

4. 장 소 : 서울대학교 301동 1512호 세미나실

5. 내 용 :

-I. Boiling Phenomena in Microchannels

Microscale boiling and transport phenomena of pure liquids and binary mixtures in microchannels and/or microstructures, including bubble formation, phase transition and heat transfer, experimentally displayed some quite unusual characteristics. Bubble nucleation could hard be noted in microscale boiling systems even under high heat flux, denoting as the fictitious boiling phenomenon. The phase transition in microchannels was examined to explore the thermodynamic aspects of the boiling. The bubble dynamics and non-equilibrium of phase-change transition were theoretically discussed. A pressure fluctuation model was proposed to provide a criterion to the occurrence of fictitious boiling.


-II. Microscale Boiling Nucleation and Bubble Dynamics

The physics of microscale boiling nucleation and movement and the related bubble dynamics and heat transfer have been studied in an ongoing series of experimental and theoretical studies. The experimental investigations using visual observations and PIV measurements reveal several new interfacial transport phenomena, including jet-like flows, various types of bubble interactions and spatial scale effects. The results show that jet-like flows can emanate from the bubble top or the sides depending of the thermal conditions and bubble size and that these flows are due to Marangoni flow independent of the orientation relative to gravity. Various bubble interaction phenomena were observed with rapid bubble movement independent of gravity, bubbles rebounding from other bubbles and bubble coalescence.

-III. Pore-Scale Transport Phenomena in Porous Media

The conjugated transport phenomena with pore and matrix structure widely exist in natural world and a variety of practical applications, and it is of critical significance to understand these phenomena accounting for the dynamical processes and structure deformation taking place in the inner pores, as one of most important topics in the area of porous medium transport phenomena. A series of different experimental observations and associated theoretical investigations is conducted and/or presented to understand the transport phenomena at pore scale level, including the transport phenomena with/without phase change and chemical reaction, concerning with a wide quite imperative practical applications. A focus is addressed on briefly reviewing and discussing the transport phenomena in porous media at pore scale level recently conducted.

6. 문 의 : 기계항공공학부 김민수 교수 (☏880-8362)