Department News

A Loaf-shaped Entry Vehicle for a Mars Airplane

Seminar Date 2004-01-25
1. 제 목 : A Loaf-shaped Entry Vehicle for a Mars Airplane

2. 연 사 : Dr. Chul Park

Senior Research Scientist, ELORET Corporation, Sunnyvale, California

3. 일 시 : 2002년 8월 23일 (금) 16:00 - 17:30

4. 장 소 : 서울대 신공학관(301동) 117호 세미나실

5. 내 용 :

A conceptual design study is presented for an entry vehicle that is to deliver and deploy an airplane into the atmosphere of Mars. The vehicle and its carrier spacecraft are designed to be launched as a secondary payload aboard an Ariane 5 rocket. Airplane performance and science capability correlate strongly with entry vehicle packaging volume. An entry vehicle that resembles a loaf of bread conforms well with the space available inside the Ariane Structure for Auxiliary Payloads and provides a much larger packaging volume than a conventional sphere-cone geometry. Preliminary assessment of the aerodynamic and heating environments for this vehicle design indicate that successful entry is feasible. Ballistic range experiments confirm stable flight in the supersonic regime, with aerodynamic coefficients that are consistent with numerical predictions. The loaf-shaped vehicle should be attractive for many

planetary micro-missions.


6. 약 력 :

1957 B.S. Aeronautical Engineering, Seoul National University

1960 M.S. Aeronautical Engineering, Seoul National University

1964 Ph.D. Aeronautics, Imperial College of Science and Technology, London, UK

1964 - 1967 Research Associate, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California

1971 - 1972 Visiting Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

1967 - 1985 Aerospace Engineer, NASA Ames Research Center

1985 - 1991 Chief, Experimental Aerothermodynamics Section, NASA Ames Research Center

1995 - 1998 Professor, Department of Aeronautical and Space Engineering,

Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan

1998 - present Senior Research Scientist, ELORET Corporation, Sunnyvale, California

7. 문 의 : 기계항공공학부 김 종 암 교수 (☏ 880-1915)