Department News
Recent Achievements in Evolutionary Structural Optimization
Seminar Date
1. 제목 : Recent Achievements in Evolutionary Structural Optimization
2. 연사 : Dr. Hyunsun Kim
Research Fellow, School of Engineering, University of Warwick
3. 일시 : 2000년 12월 20일 (수요일) 오전 11:00 (1시간)
4. 장소 : 301동 1512호 (15층 세미나실)
5. 내용 :
Evolutionary Structural Optimisation (ESO) is a heuristic optimisation method, introduced by Steven and Xie in 1992. Despite its short history, the intuitive topology optimisation method has been developed and applied to various problems such as non-linear; dynamic; composite; buckling; and multiple load case problems. ESO has drawn a particular attention due to the simplicity in its implementation. As it does not have a rigorous mathematical foundation, it is easy to apply to a wide range of problems and the past literatures have shown that ESO effectively provides an optimum solution. As topology optimisation has reached a level of maturity, the focus of research and development has shifted to its practical applicability in engineering design industry. Although it is realised that a design problem is ill-defined and hence an optimisation method cannot replace a designer, optimisation should provide a practical optimum topology which can aid him/her to improve the
design. This seminar firstly outlines the concept and the basic methodology of ESO, then introduces some of the recent developments and achievements in the research of ESO. The topics include optimisation with thermal loads; configuration optimisation; optimisation with multiple criteria/objectives; producing a manufacturable topology; improving efficiency; and post-processing to manufacture an optimum topology.
6. 연사 약력 :
Bachelor of Engineering 1997 and
Ph.D 2000 in aeronautical engineering, University of Sydney, Australia
Currently post-doctoral research fellow since August 2000
in the school of Engineering, University of Warwick, UK
7. 문의처 : 기계항공공학부 김윤영 교수 (880-7154)
2. 연사 : Dr. Hyunsun Kim
Research Fellow, School of Engineering, University of Warwick
3. 일시 : 2000년 12월 20일 (수요일) 오전 11:00 (1시간)
4. 장소 : 301동 1512호 (15층 세미나실)
5. 내용 :
Evolutionary Structural Optimisation (ESO) is a heuristic optimisation method, introduced by Steven and Xie in 1992. Despite its short history, the intuitive topology optimisation method has been developed and applied to various problems such as non-linear; dynamic; composite; buckling; and multiple load case problems. ESO has drawn a particular attention due to the simplicity in its implementation. As it does not have a rigorous mathematical foundation, it is easy to apply to a wide range of problems and the past literatures have shown that ESO effectively provides an optimum solution. As topology optimisation has reached a level of maturity, the focus of research and development has shifted to its practical applicability in engineering design industry. Although it is realised that a design problem is ill-defined and hence an optimisation method cannot replace a designer, optimisation should provide a practical optimum topology which can aid him/her to improve the
design. This seminar firstly outlines the concept and the basic methodology of ESO, then introduces some of the recent developments and achievements in the research of ESO. The topics include optimisation with thermal loads; configuration optimisation; optimisation with multiple criteria/objectives; producing a manufacturable topology; improving efficiency; and post-processing to manufacture an optimum topology.
6. 연사 약력 :
Bachelor of Engineering 1997 and
Ph.D 2000 in aeronautical engineering, University of Sydney, Australia
Currently post-doctoral research fellow since August 2000
in the school of Engineering, University of Warwick, UK
7. 문의처 : 기계항공공학부 김윤영 교수 (880-7154)