Department News
Algorithms on Free Flight Implementation
Seminar Date
1. 제목 : Algorithms on Free Flight Implementation
2. 연사 : 오 재 혁 박사
(미국 M.I.T., 생산공학연구소, Project Manager)
3. 일시 : 1999년 9월 6일 (월요일) 14:00
4. 장소 : 301동 1512호
5. 내용 :
Under "Free Flight," each individual aircraft will have the first responsibility to resolve its own conflicts. Therefore, a centralized air traffic controller (ATC) will issue a resolution command only when a physical conflict would be unavoidable if the ATC did not do so. Regarding the operation of an ATC under "Free Flight," hence, determining when the ATC should issue a resolution command would be one of the most important problems. In this seminar, a systematic and efficient algorithm will be presented as a powerful solution to the problem. The algorithm is based on the well-known Semi-Definite Program(SDP) relaxation method.
6. 연사 약력 :
1996 서울대 제어계측공학과 박사
1996 - 1996 자동제어특화연구센터 연구원
1996 - 현재 미국 M.I.T. 항공과, 정보및제어공학연구실
박사후과정 연구원
1998 - 현재 미국 M.I.T., 생산공학연구소, Project Manager
7. 연락처 : 기계항공공학부 기창돈 교수 (전화 : 880-1912)
2. 연사 : 오 재 혁 박사
(미국 M.I.T., 생산공학연구소, Project Manager)
3. 일시 : 1999년 9월 6일 (월요일) 14:00
4. 장소 : 301동 1512호
5. 내용 :
Under "Free Flight," each individual aircraft will have the first responsibility to resolve its own conflicts. Therefore, a centralized air traffic controller (ATC) will issue a resolution command only when a physical conflict would be unavoidable if the ATC did not do so. Regarding the operation of an ATC under "Free Flight," hence, determining when the ATC should issue a resolution command would be one of the most important problems. In this seminar, a systematic and efficient algorithm will be presented as a powerful solution to the problem. The algorithm is based on the well-known Semi-Definite Program(SDP) relaxation method.
6. 연사 약력 :
1996 서울대 제어계측공학과 박사
1996 - 1996 자동제어특화연구센터 연구원
1996 - 현재 미국 M.I.T. 항공과, 정보및제어공학연구실
박사후과정 연구원
1998 - 현재 미국 M.I.T., 생산공학연구소, Project Manager
7. 연락처 : 기계항공공학부 기창돈 교수 (전화 : 880-1912)
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