Department News

Department of Mechanical Engineering held ROBOCON to commemorate the 30th anniversary of creative engineering design



▲ ‘Seoul National University Creative Engineering Design (Changgong) 30th Anniversary RoboCon Event’ was held the 25th at Haedong Idea Factory, Seoul National University.

Seoul National University's Department of Mechanical Engineering held a 30th anniversary event for Creative Engineering Design Robocon at SNU's Haedong Idea Factory the 25th... Team Zero won this year's Robocon competition.

Changgong is a major compulsory course in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Seoul National University, and all students in the Department of Mechanical Engineering must take it during their freshman year. The late Professor Chong Nam Chu, who started Changgong for the first time in 1993, made efforts to secure support funds despite poor circumstances to establish Changgong classes. Based MIT's 2.007 class, Tokyo Institute of Technology in Japan, Cambridge University in England, and Darmstad University in Germany created similar classes and held them fore semester. Together with students selected from each country, they will make a robot and compete.
Professor Howon Lee and Kyu-Jin Cho (Department of Mechanical Engineering), who were in charge of the Changgong class this semester, said, “It is a class where you can feel both a tremendous sense of triumph and despair at the same time. We need to create a robot that can beat opponents by considering various variables.” Professor Kyu-Jin Cho participated in an international competition held in Japan as a first class student 30 years ago.
Changgong students use 3 motors, 2 pneumatic pistons and designated materials such as plywood to creatively design a robot fore semester, build a robot by hand using a laser cutter, drill, band saw, etc., and then compete in a robot competition Through the 'Robocon', the men and women compete in a tournament format.

The theme of this year's RoboCon was 'Campus Flood Damage Recovery'. Rescue robots produced by each team carry out campus restoration missions inside the stadium. ▲Scores are given according to the degree of completion of the ▲Asphalt debris handling ▲Relief supplies ▲Professor rescue mission. The team with the highest score within the time limit advances to the next round.
Celebrating the 30th anniversary, there were congratulatory remarks by Professor Harry West, who taught a similar class at MIT 30 years ago, and Professor Sang-bae Kim, who is currently teaching a class at MIT. There was a congratulatory speech by Il-gyu Heo, vice president of the SK Supex Council, who was the representative assistant at the first competition.
Robotis CEO Byung-soo Kim, Naver Labs CEO Sang-ok Seok, and Hyundai Motor Robotics Lab's Managing Director Dong-jin Hyun judged the creatively designed robots as judges.

The championship was won by Team ‘Zero’. They won the final by an overwhelming score of 40-0. Student Junsu Kim (Department of Mechanical Engineering, 22) said, “It was a valuable experience obtained through communication with the team members”. In addition, student Soo-Bin Lee (School of Mechanical Engineering, 22) expressed pride, saying, “The team members spent 850 hours staying up all night for 3 weeks.”

서울대 기계공학부 창의공학설계 로보콘 30주년 행사 개최 - 로봇신문사 (