Department News

Professor Han Ho Song received the Shinyang Engineering Award


Seoul National University College of Engineering selects five recipients of the 2021 Shinyang Engineering Science Award

 - A reward system prepared with the donation fund of the Shinyang Foundation
- Awarded a total of 5 professors in education and academic fields

(From left) Professor Young-Sang Kwon of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Professor Han Ho Song of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Professor Byoungho Lee Dean of the College of Engineering, Professor Tae Nam Ki of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Professor Won Bo Lee of the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, and Professor Jae W. Lee of the Department of Computer Engineering

Seoul National University College of Engineering (Dean Professor Byoungho Lee) announced the 22nd that five professors were selected as recipients of the 2021 Shinyang Engineering Science Award.
The winners this time were Professor Young-Sang Kwon of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Professor Han Ho Song of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Professor Tae Nam Ki of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Professor Won Bo Lee of the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, and Professor Jae W. Lee of the Department of Computer Engineering.

The dean of the College of Engineering, Professor Byoungho Lee, praised the hard work of these winners and said, “These Professors have worked tirelessly to raise the status of Korean engineering in the world as well as in the College of Engineering at Seoul National University.” In a time when innovation is needed, I hope that you will do more for the common mission to develop into a world-leading university.”

On the other hand, the Shinyang Engineering Science Award is a reward system prepared with funds donated by the late Shinyang Cultural Foundation Chairman Seok-gyu Jeong to promote the education and research activities of Seoul National University College of Engineering faculty members. This award is given to outstanding professors. The award has been awarded since 2005, and this year marks the 17th anniversary.

○ Professor Han Ho Song of the Department of Mechanical Engineering participated in the 2020 University Education Innovation Support Project of the Center for Teaching and Learning Development Research (CTL), in which professors from 16 colleges and 31 courses participated for 'optimization of non-face-to-face classes' due to COVID-19. Among face-to-face lecture optimization models, the flop learning method has been actively applied to classes. The developed teaching method know-how was recommended as an excellent case by the Center for Teaching and Learning Development (CTL), and was introduced as “effective non-face-to-face lecture management know-how” through the SNUON YouTube channel. In addition, it was also selected as the first recipient of the “Education Award”, which has been implemented by the Department of Mechanical Engineering since 2017 by a vote of all graduates of the year.

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