Department News

[EDAILY] Prof. Heui Jae Pahk Receives the 13th SNU Award of Excellence



[Kyung-rae Kang, EDAILY] Seoul National University announced September 17th that Professor Heui Jae Pahk from the Department of Mechanical Engineering has been selected as the recipient of the 13th SNU Award of Excellence.

Prof. Pahk founded SNU Precision, a manufacturing company for semiconductors and related equipment, during the 1997 Asian financial crisis in the hopes of helping the Korean economy recover. Later he contributed to the domestic production of semiconductor test equipment and other products that were originally dependent supplies coming from Japan.

After going public the KOSDAQ with SNU Precision, PRof. Pahk donated 6 billion 8 hundred million won worth of stock shares to SNU. He also served as Director of R&D Strategic Planning for the Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy, a position dubbed as ‘the nation’s CTO.’

Along with Prof. Pahk, Seok-su Kim, CEO of Dong Suh Foods Corporation and Ju-eun Son, CEO of Megatstudy also received the 13th SNU Award of Excellence.

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