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[Yonhap News] Prof. Seung Hwan Ko’s Team Develops Skin Sensor That Detects Human Movements


KAIST·SNU Joint Research …"Potential for Use in AR·VR·Medical Device”

Diagram of skin sensor, able to detect human movements at a distance
[Provided by KAIST. Redistributi & DBing prohibited]


(Daeje=Yhap News) By Joo-young Park = On May 20th, the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) announced that a joint project with Seoul Natial University Prof. Seung Hwan Ko’s research team resulted in the development of a sensor that can detect human movement at a distance, using deep learning technology.

Recently, researchers have been designing and developing wearable devices for virtual reality, augmented reality, and medical devices.

However, in order to collect data, hundreds of sensors have to be attached to each part of the human body.

But the skin sensor developed by the research team is able to track movements at a distance.

The sensor attached to the wrist measures subtle changes in the electric signal that occur when fingers move. Not ly can it detect wrist movements, it can also track the individual movement of each knuckle.

“Using deep learning technology, our wearable device can learn vast amounts of informati from the human body from limited data,” said Prof. Sungho Jo. “It can be used for VR and AR devices as well as wearable medical devices.” 

(From left) Professors Sungho Jo and Seung Hwan Ko

[Provided by KAIST. Redistributi & DBing prohibited]

The research was published the line editi of Nature Communicatis May 1.

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