Department News

Master’s Student MinGeun Choi of Prof. Seung Jin Song’s Lab Wins Best Thesis Award at 2018 Korean Society for Fluid Machinery (


Master’s student MinGeun Choi of Professor Seung Jin Song’s laboratory received Best Thesis Award at 2018 Korean Society for Fluid Machinery (KSFM) Summer Conference, held in Jeju Island from July 4 to 6, for his thesis titled “Remodeling of SNU Rim Seal Testing Equipment for Single Stage Axial-flow Turbine.”

Rim seals are installed for the purpose of stopping the gas flowing from high-pressure passages, which decreases the structural integrity of turbine parts in a high-pressure turbine section of a gas turbine engine. As explained in the thesis, the SNU rim seal testing equipment for single stage axial-flow turbine is constructed to accurately measure the performance of various rim seal shapes by reproducing the actual shape and flow of real gas turbine engines. This new testing equipment is expected to greatly contribute to the academic and technical development in the field of gas turbine engines.