Department News

Professor Maeng Hyo Cho’s Research Team Selected as one of the Top 100 in National R & D in 2017


Professor Maeng Hyo Cho, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Seoul National University

Professor Maeng Hyo Cho of the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Seoul National University was awarded the "National Research and Development Excellence and 100 Best in 2017" sponsored by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Information.

Professor Maeng Hyo Cho's research team has established a multi-scale analysis technique for predicting the deformation patterns of light-deforming polymers that change shape in response to light through the Creative Research Group supported by the Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) in order to achieve the desired fusion of polymers. Based on the results of this research, it is expected to be able to form a new axis of fusion research in optical deformable polymers.

The national R & D excellence and 100 projects were selected among the R & D projects that were supported by the government. This year, 784 candidates were nominated at each department and office. An examination of the excellence and selection committee of experts was processed. After the selection of science and technology development and economic ripple effect as the first criteria, public verification process was also conducted. As a result, ten excellent organizations and 100 projects were selected for excellence. 18 fields of machinery and materials, 23 of life and ocean, 19 of energy and environment, 18 of information and electronics, 11 of convergence technology and 11 of pure basic infrastructure.

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