Department News

Professor Jung Hoon Lee pioneers in agricultural engineering

By checking the water content and water flow rate in the plant body. I met the man who is concerned about the next generation development.

이정훈 교수Professor Jung Hoon Lee

I dream of a city farmer who diagnoses the pulse of a plant.

On a clear summer morning without a hint of a cloud, I went to a garden garden located opposite the park. The new Green House 'Urban Agricultural Research Institute' built in the entrance to the garden has opened a new landscape full of crops but without any soil. A plastic tube is plugged in every flowerpot, and a notebook with various figures is visualised on the screen next to the lined flowerpot. I looked around the fresh scenery, and heard more strange stories in the meantime. "Now in the near future, the profession will be a white collar job managing crops, manages crops and products remotely."

It is the 'Real SmartFarm' developed by Professor Jung Hoon Lee, the world's first, as an innovative future technology in which farmers are liberated from hard labor. The existing SmartFarm  was a method of growing plants by measuring external environmental conditions such as temperature, humidity, and wind, not the plant itself. Professor Jung Hoon Lee

made a needle thinner than hair and integrated a micro sensor on it, and put the sensor directly on the plant. Real smart farm that realizes the optimum plant growth condition by real-time and remote measurement of water velocity and absorbed fertilizer concentration in plant body such as human pulse. Professor Jung Hoon Lee is an engineer and Professor of Agriculture and Life Sciences, and Rural Development Administration.

Pioneers to change the future with unity

Professor Jung Hoon Lee studied medical application of micro-nano technology, such as developing an in-vitro diagnostic sensor capable of diagnosing cancer with a bloody drop before Real SmartFarm . He told me that it is natural for him to focus on plants. "Micro-nanotechnology is the most applied field of medicine. In one broadcast, plants are represented as 'green animals'. This means that a number of cutting-edge technologies developed to diagnose human health can be applied to plants. "Real SmartFarm also got the idea of ​​treating Parkinson's disease with a needle in his brain. He says that such an accomplishment is a gift from the process of anxiety with various people, an interesting problem that he discovered as an engineer, like the discovery of the New World in Columbus, which left for pepper. "The most beautiful part of engineering is the spirit of harmony. No engineer can work alone. With the gathering of many people and the combination of various technologies, finding the answer in front of you will create a great technology that will fundamentally change the life of mankind. "He will work with the world's minds for urban, agricultural, extreme agriculture, I dream of achieving agricultural research and technology development. "I want to be Steve Jobs in the future high-tech agriculture. Steve Jobs, who majored in law and had nothing to do with IT, brought technology together to revolutionize IT and change human life. I am also an engineer, but I want to work with a large number of agricultural life scientists and various engineers to lead the agricultural revolution. "Professor Jung Hoon Lee, who is grinning at the idea of ​​bringing advanced agricultural technology to the space transformation of the US space developer 'Space X'. His day is running ahead of anyone tomorrow.

리얼 스마트팜의 센서
Sensors in Real SmartFarm

Sensors in Real SmartFarm

Sensors applied to Real SmartFarm  have utilized MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical Systems) advanced technology, which is based on semiconductor processing. Using this, we made a needle thinner and sharper  than the hair, and integrated a micro-sized sensor on it. By inserting a sensor into a plant, it is possible to accurately measure information in the plant body with little effect on the plant.

Jeong Hoon Lee Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Since 2004, he has been a professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering at Seoul National University. The company is developing a "Real SmartFarm" technology that enables the biometric information of crops to be verified using MEMS advanced technology for the first time in the world.

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