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[MBC News] 'Iron Man' made from knitting? The possibility of mass-producing wearable robots


MBC News Desk

Type written by Son Byung San on 2017-04-12 20:43  Final edited on 2017-04-12 20:55

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Knitting and robots definitely do not sound like a compatible pair.

However, the unexpected evolution of knitting technology is being used to tackle the difficulties in robot development.

This is reporter Son

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Iron man harnesses super powers in movies with the help of armor-like ‘suits'.

There are various "robots" that can add strength and speed to people, but these robots are normally heavy and bulky because they consist of batteries and wires.

The solution proposed by a research team in Korea is ‘knitting'.

The artificial flower which seemingly is made out from pieces of sweater moves as heat is applied onto it. With the flow of an electric current, the flower blooms.

By knitting a common thread and a shape memory alloy that reacts to current or heat, it is possible to create a 'wearable robot’ that looks like fur.

The 'running robot' that helps soldiers carry out long-distance marches can be replaced with a comfortable wearable robot. this would significantly reduce the burden of electric devices dangling all over.

[Sung-Hoon Ahn / Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, SNU]

“A robot that would react to temperature and would not need electricity nor motor to function…”

The researchers are able make robots in the same method as weaving clothes, and it is possible to mass-produce them.

This was reporter Son Byung San.

See original article :

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3. Advanced Science News, “Blooming Knit Flowers”, 2017.03.08, (

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