Department News

Masters Students Ji Suk Kim, Gwang Pil Jung and Ph.D. Student Je Sung Koh Claims the Best Video Award in IROS 2013


Masters Students Ji Suk Kim, Gwang Pil Jung and Ph.D. Student Je Sung Koh of Professor Kyu Jin Cho’s Biorobotics lab has claimed the Best Video Award in IROS 2013 (IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems) held in Tokyo, Japan from 3rd to 7th November 2013 with the video titled  Meso-scale Robot Assembly Using Shape Memory Polymer Rivet Fastener<?xml:namespace prefix = "o" ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Professor Kyu Jin Cho participated as a co-author of the video which suggested the use of compact coupling elements based on poly urethane shape memory polymers (SMP) to combine parts of a micro robot. The suggested coupling element allows remote connections through the use of the properties of shape memory polymers and was commended on its easy connections/disconnections of parts through the use of heat making finding optimal operation conditions and replacement of faulty parts much simpler.

IROS, together with the ICRA is one of the most prestigious robot conferences worldwide. This year, 2089 journals were submitted, with 903 journals being accepted showing a competition of 43%.