Department News

Undergrads Jae In Kim/ Dae Hyun Choi/ Seung In Min/ Jae Hong Cho – Awarded at the 3rd Latest Science Education∙Hub Development


Awarded at the 3rd Latest Science EducationHub Development (EDISON) Computerized Thermal Fluid Competition<?xml:namespace prefix = "o" />

Last 21st of March two teams from our faculty participated in the 3rd Latest Science EducationHub Development (EDISON) Computerized Thermal Fluid Competition, which was held in the Daejeon Convention Center (DCC). The team comprising of undergrads Jae In Kim (4th Year)/ Dae Hyun Choi (4th Year) claimed the grad prize (MSIP Minister’s Award) with the paper titled “New design of the Pantograph Panhead using the hole effect” and the team comprising of Seung In Min/ Jae Hong Cho claimed the Excellence Award (KSAS President’s Award) with the research titled “quantitative research on the effects of shape and structural characteristics on Vortex induced vibration generator efficiency”.

The competition which held its 3rd event this year is hosted by the MSIP and funded by KISTI and NVIDIA, along with the NRF EDISON Central/Computerized thermal fluid center and the KSAS organizing the evert. Over 48 students from 14 schools across the nation presented a total of 25 journals in this event.