Department News

Professor Maenghyo Cho Elected Editor of the JMST Journal


SNU Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Professor Maenghyo Cho has been elected the Editor–in-Chief of the monthly English journal ‘JMST(Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology)’.<?xml:namespace prefix = "o" ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

JMST, currently listed in SCI-E, is an English journal by KSME which has been gaining ground internationally through online distribution by Springer. The journal is representative of the nation’s mechanical engineering sector and its tradition and prestige has been recognized nationally and globally.

Professor Maenghyo Cho’s term as editor will be 3 years (2014. 11. 1 ~ 2017. 10. 31) and will be working on the overall editing of JMST.

Professor Cho received his Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in SNU and went on to receive his Doctorate in the Aerospace Engineering faculty of University of Washington, US. He has been woking as a SNU professor since 1999.

He has won numerous awards including KSME academy awards, the SNU Engineering Sinyang Academy award and others. He currently hold the president position of the Creative Research Team working on optically stimulated deformation of structures which is supported by the Leader Research Support Program by the NRF.