Department News

[Issue] Kim Hyeongmin, Ph.D., from Professor Youn, Byeng Dong's research team, awarded the Best Ph.D. Thesis Award in the CAE


On May 3rd, Dr. Kim Hyungmin from the Autonomous AI Research Lab in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Seoul National University, supervised by Professor Youn, Byeng Dong, received the Outstanding Dissertation Award in the CAE and Applied Mechanics Division of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers for 2024. Dr. Kim's dissertation titled "Learning Motor Fault Characteristics Intensively Focused on Operational Variability and Diagnostic Uncertainty" was recognized for its originality and significant contributions to academic and technological advancement.

The dissertation is structured into three main sub-themes: first, preprocessing to correct operational components fluctuating within the stator current; second, effective extraction of fault characteristics through multi-scale focused networks; and third, development of a reliable diagnostic system considering diagnostic uncertainties. These studies garnered considerable attention for their ability to diagnose faults in motors with high reliability even under changing operational conditions.