Department News
Professor Byung-dong Yoon's research team received the Factory Hack Korea 2022 Encouragement Award for Master's Program by Tae-
The 'HonNetwork' team consisting of Master's Programs Tae-Hoon Kim, Dong-Hui Lee, and Seung-Yoon Lee from the Laboratory for System Health & Risk Management of Professor Byung-Dong Yun, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Seoul National University was held from January 17 to January 24, 2022. Received the Encouragement Award at FACTORYHACK KOREA 2022.
This contest was conducted by selecting and solvinge of the problems A) 'Deduction of hardening depth prediction model for drive shaft induction heat treatment products' and B) 'Deduction of UV lamp life expectancy prediction model and presentation of optimal manufacturing process conditions'. Problem A) is a problem of predicting product quality in advance by predicting the hardening depth of the drive shaft, which is a key component for transmitting driving force in automobiles that is given high hardness and wear resistance through heat treatment. Problem B) is a problem of analyzing the causes of UV lamp life prediction and design life failure in order to improve the limitations of the long-term life test. The ‘HonNetwork’ team have achieved the desired results through suggesting alternative suggestions with a lifespan prediction model based machine learning and deep learning, a cause analysis using XAI, and an initial failure classification model by utilizing manufacturing/process data related to gas leakage at the quartz tube-electrode junction, which is believed to be the cause of the shortened UV lamp life.