Department News
Dr. Woo-kyun Jung of Prof. Sung-Hoon Ahn’s Lab Wins Best Research Presentation Award at 2020 KSMTE Fall Conference
Dr. Woo-kyun Jung of Prof. Sung-Hoon Ahn’s laboratory won the Best Research Presentation Award at 2020 Korean Society of Manufacturing Technology Engineers Fall Conference, held in July 2020 at Pheonix Pyeongchang.
The research was titled “Optimization Simulation of Productivity and Quality for Garment Production Line.” It conducted a simulation that estimates the production total and quality of a garment production line by analyzing power consumption patterns, gathering data from the smart meter attached to sewing machines. This research was part of the industry-academia project with Hojeon Limited. Following the results of the research, about 10 patents were applied for and obtained in Korea and overseas.