Department News

Dr. Ying-Jun Quan of Innovative Design and Integrated Manufacturing Lab (Prof. Sung-Hoon Ahn) Selected as CIRP Research Affilia



Dr. Ying-Jun Quan of Innovative Design and Integrated Manufacturing Lab (Advisor: Prof. Sung-Hoon Ahn) was selected as a Research Affiliate of the International Academy for Production Engineering (CIRP, in September 2020.

CIRP is a global organization leading research in manufacturing process, metal machining, machine tools, manufacturing system management, control, optimization and design.

Members of CIRP consist of 170 Fellow Members, 130 Associate Members, 140 Corporate Members, and 100 Research Affiliates, all of whom are selected via rigorous reviews. The Research Affiliate program is designed to develop a sustainable network of young researchers with outstanding work in the field of production engineering. Ph.D. candidates under the age of 36 are eligible to apply.

There are total of 4 Research Affiliates in Korea, including Dr. Quan. Research Affiliates can participate in CIRP conferences and international academic exchanges.