[써모피셔 사이언티픽 코리아] Field Service Engineer Medical / Healthcare 신입/경력 채용
회사명 : 써모피셔 사이언티픽 코리아
직무: Field Service Engineer Medical / Healthcare 신입/경력 채용
Position Summary:
This position is responsible for the installation, management, repair, and remote support of medical equipment. This position will be tasked with improving the company's value and maximizing our benefits by good communicating with customers to understand and speedy/accurately support their needs. You can work in accordance with the global headquarters and medical equipment import management guidelines and collaborate with other departments if necessary.
- Providessite installation of instruments, upgrades, updates, repairs, and preventative maintenance service
- Achieves specified revenue targets while satisfying customer from instrument repair, installs and PM’s.
- Collaborates with application team to resolve customer issues and improve processes.
- Follows all reporting responsibilities of Field Problem Report (FPR) and Field Service Report (FSR) submissions.
- Follow policies that pertain to the handling of spare parts: ordering, usage, returns, physical count, stock management, etc.
- Executes installation Qualification & Validation Products at customer sites.
- Maintains their technical competency level servicing new instrument and problems by attending trainings, staff meetings and remaining up to speed new products, markets, customers, and competitors
- May be required to perform other related duties as required and/or assigned.
- Requires a bachelor’s degree in electronic, electrical engineering, bio medical engineering or related field.
- Junior(신입) or up to 3 years’ experience in related medical device engineering and/or customer skills.
- Strong networking skills and ability to quickly build relationships.
- Good knowledge in the usage of Microsoft Officer programs (word, excel, PowerPoint) CRM, and internet tools.
- Good communication skill with global service team in English.
- Long-distance out-of-office work possible.
채용시 마감
직무: Field Service Engineer Medical / Healthcare 신입/경력 채용
Position Summary:
This position is responsible for the installation, management, repair, and remote support of medical equipment. This position will be tasked with improving the company's value and maximizing our benefits by good communicating with customers to understand and speedy/accurately support their needs. You can work in accordance with the global headquarters and medical equipment import management guidelines and collaborate with other departments if necessary.
- Providessite installation of instruments, upgrades, updates, repairs, and preventative maintenance service
- Achieves specified revenue targets while satisfying customer from instrument repair, installs and PM’s.
- Collaborates with application team to resolve customer issues and improve processes.
- Follows all reporting responsibilities of Field Problem Report (FPR) and Field Service Report (FSR) submissions.
- Follow policies that pertain to the handling of spare parts: ordering, usage, returns, physical count, stock management, etc.
- Executes installation Qualification & Validation Products at customer sites.
- Maintains their technical competency level servicing new instrument and problems by attending trainings, staff meetings and remaining up to speed new products, markets, customers, and competitors
- May be required to perform other related duties as required and/or assigned.
- Requires a bachelor’s degree in electronic, electrical engineering, bio medical engineering or related field.
- Junior(신입) or up to 3 years’ experience in related medical device engineering and/or customer skills.
- Strong networking skills and ability to quickly build relationships.
- Good knowledge in the usage of Microsoft Officer programs (word, excel, PowerPoint) CRM, and internet tools.
- Good communication skill with global service team in English.
- Long-distance out-of-office work possible.
써모피셔사이언티픽(Thermo Fisher Scientific)은 전세계 60여개 국가, 약 80,000명의 직원들과 함께, 연 매출 250억불 이상을 달성하는 세계적인 과학 회사입니다. 써모피셔사이언티픽은 고객들이 세상을 더욱 건강하고, 깨끗하며, 안전하게 만들 수 있도록 돕는다는 사명을 가지고, 생명 과학 분야 연구 촉진, 복잡한 분석 난제 해결, 환자 진단 개선 및 의약품 개발, 실험실 생산성 향상에 주력하고 있습니다.
써모피셔사이언티픽 코리아는 약 800명의 임직원이 연매출 7000억 이상을 달성하고 있습니다.
-About Thermo Fisher Scientific: (https://corporate.thermofisher.com/en/home.html)
-Job Korea X Thermo Fisher Scientific Korea: (https://www.jobkorea.co.kr/Super/thermofisher)
-카카오톡 ‘써모피셔사이언티픽코리아채용’ 친구추가 후 문의 (http://pf.kakao.com/_inxcpj)
채용 프로세스 : 서류심사 -> 면접전형 -> 최종합격
고유식별정보(주민등록번호, 여권번호 등) 민감정보(종교, 정치 등)는 기재하지 마세요.
보훈, 장애 대상자는 관련 서류 제출 시 관계법에 따라 우대합니다
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채용시 마감