[JTI Korea] 2021 Traineeship
회사명 : JTI Korea
직무: 2021 Traineeship
[모집직무 - 부서 / 팀 / 포지션]
1. People & Culture(HR) / Compensation & Benefits팀 / C&B Trainee
2. People & Culture(HR) / Business Partner(Field Force) 팀 / L&D Trainee
3. Corporate Affairs & Communications / CA&C팀/ CA&C Trainee
4. Finance / FP&A팀 / FP&A Trainee
1. People & Culture(HR) / Compensation & Benefits팀 / C&B Trainee
- Assist in operating general C&B processes such as payroll, benefit and wellness programs.
- Supporting the analysis of labor related cost budget.
- Playing a key supporting role for communication about C&B programs to the employees.
2. People & Culture(HR) / Business Partner(Field Force) 팀 / L&D Trainee
<Learning & Development>
- Support the execution for Training programs along with JTI's annual plan and management decision, as involving in the whole process from analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation of training.
- Prepare for the all administrative tasks required for successful training.
- Support line manager to effectively manage the training budget of HQ & Field Force.
- Support any other initiatives which is to contribute for employee's engagement level improvement.
<Field Force Recruitment & Operation>
- Support the whole recruitment process of Field Force from sourcing, interview, job offer, andboarding.
- Support the promotion process & communication.
- Draft and share the announcement with relevant stakeholders of newcomer, transfer, and promotion in Field Force.
- Support the Field Force Headcount validation with line manager.
- Provide and operate the newcomerboarding program.
- Support line manager for any initiatives to improve the communication between HQ and Field Force.
3. Corporate Affairs & Communications / CA&C팀/ CA&C Trainee
- Regulatory & Taxation news monitoring and issue analyzing.
- Regulation & legislation research.
- Support engagement with key stakeholders (National Assembly, other relevant ministries).
- Report drafting support (PPT deck etc.)
4. Finance / FP&A팀 / FP&A Trainee
- Actively support the team in processing information for further financial analysis.
- Take active part in the budgeting including cross functional communication.
- Will be assigned ad-hoc tasks with high agility.
[공통 지원자격]
• 4년제 대학 학부 재학생 (3, 4학년에 한함) 또는 학부 졸업 후 1년 이내의 졸업생 -
• 대학원 재학생/졸업생은 지원 불가
• 서울 종로 근무 가능자
• 한국어 및 영어 능통자 (Verbal and written)
• MS Office 능통자 (엑셀, 파워포인트, 워드)
*직무별 지원자격 및 우대사항은 하단 지원링크를 참조해 주시기 바랍니다 .
11월 29일 23:00까지
전형 절차
• 1차 서류전형
• 2차 HR면접전형
• 3차 실무진 면접전형
전형 일정
• 서류접수 마감: 2020.11.29 (일) 오후 11시
• 면접전형 대상자 발표: 2020.12.02 (수) – 변동 가능
• 면접전형: 2020.12.03 (목) 이후 – 서류 합격자에 한해 추후 공지
• 인턴십 기간: 2021.01.13 ~ 2021.07.12 (6개월) - 종료 후 해당 부서 업무 일정 및 개인 의향에 따라 추가 연장 근무도 가능
• Monthly Base Salary (MBS): 2,100,000 KRW
• Flexible Benefits Point (Monthly): 275,000 KRW
Monthly Total Cash: 2,375,000 KRW
• Standard Leave: 6 days (Eligible to gaine day leave when whole month completed successfully, based labor act.)
• Refresh Leave: 2.5 days for 6 months
Total Leave during 6 months: 8.5 days