[멀버리코리아 주식회사] 본사 Marketing&Retail 사무 보조
본사 Marketing&Retail 사무 보조
• Cross functional collaboration with MD, VMD, Retail and other business function
• Retail marketing support – new store opening, VIP activations and partnership with external parties etc
• Update and develop media and talents list
• Manage PR samples from order to sample distribution to fashion media for timely editorial presentation and talents dressing
• Support seasonal press previews and product launches aligned with HQ
• Media inquiries follow up
• Follow up all shooting support of editorial and celebrities
• Support brand/retail event preparation, operation and follow-up along with HQ teams and local relevant teams.
2. 소모품 관리
•소모품 재고 관리: 재고현황 & 출고현황(Weekly), 기안서, 지출 결의서 결재 (Monthly)
•소모품 매주 신청 건 전산으로 출고 요청 (Weekly)
•업체 주문 및 전산 등록/입고 (Occasionally)
3. Logistics
• 본사 퀵, 매장 지하철 퀵, 행낭 거래내역서 확인 후 지출결의서 결재 (Monthly)
4. 그외 업무
•매장 프린트 요청 건 (Occasionally)
•VMD 퀵, UPS 운송장 작성 (Occasionally)
•각 요청사항 팔로우업 (Frequently)
채용시 마감
지원링크 https://www.superookie.com/jobs/5f17fd868b129f04635aa7f2