세미나 및 행사
Virtual Product and Process Development in Tube Hydroforming
세미나 날짜
1. 제 목 : Virtual Product and Process Development in Tube Hydroforming
2. 연 사 : Dr. Taylan Altan, The Ohio State University (OSU)
3. 일 시 : 2001년 6월 29일 (금) 오전 11:00 - 12:00
4. 장 소 : 301동 1512호
5. 내 용 : Tube Hydroforming (THF) technology uses process simulation more than stamping because a) there is only a limited knowledge base in THF and b) soft dies cannot be used in prototyping for THF. To conduct reliable process simulation the input data (i.e. friction, flow stress and part geometry) must also be reliable. This presentation will discuss a) the practical application of process modeling in THF, b) review how various parameters affect the process and c) present a new technique to reduce effort and time for process simulation in THF.
6. 약 력 : Dr. Altan received his Diploma Engineering degree in Manufacturing from the Technical University of Hannover, West Germany in 1962 and his Ph.D. degree from the University of California, Berkeley in 1966. He worked two years at Dupont and 18 years at Battelle before joining OSU in 1986 as a Professor of Mechanical Engineering. Dr. Altan is a Fellow of the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME), the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and ASM International. He is a founding member of NAMRI-SME and an active member of CIRP and is a member of the Editorial/Advisory Boards of the International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Journal of Materials Processing, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Processes and Steel Research. He is a recipient of SME’s Gold Medal, the Gold Medal of the Japanese Society of Technology and Plasticity and the William T. Ennor Manufacturing Technology award of ASME.
In 1985 Dr. Altan led Ohio State University’s effort in establishing the Engineering Research Center for Net Shape Manufacturing (ERC/NSM). The ERC/NSM was funded by NSF and more than 50 manufacturing companies until May 1997. Since then the research and teaching activities of the ERC/NSM continue, mainly with industrial support, in the areas of precision forging, stamping, high speed machining, tube hydroforming and education and training in manufacturing.
7. 문 의 : 기계항공공학부 오 수익 교수 (☏ 880-7151)
2. 연 사 : Dr. Taylan Altan, The Ohio State University (OSU)
3. 일 시 : 2001년 6월 29일 (금) 오전 11:00 - 12:00
4. 장 소 : 301동 1512호
5. 내 용 : Tube Hydroforming (THF) technology uses process simulation more than stamping because a) there is only a limited knowledge base in THF and b) soft dies cannot be used in prototyping for THF. To conduct reliable process simulation the input data (i.e. friction, flow stress and part geometry) must also be reliable. This presentation will discuss a) the practical application of process modeling in THF, b) review how various parameters affect the process and c) present a new technique to reduce effort and time for process simulation in THF.
6. 약 력 : Dr. Altan received his Diploma Engineering degree in Manufacturing from the Technical University of Hannover, West Germany in 1962 and his Ph.D. degree from the University of California, Berkeley in 1966. He worked two years at Dupont and 18 years at Battelle before joining OSU in 1986 as a Professor of Mechanical Engineering. Dr. Altan is a Fellow of the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME), the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and ASM International. He is a founding member of NAMRI-SME and an active member of CIRP and is a member of the Editorial/Advisory Boards of the International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Journal of Materials Processing, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Processes and Steel Research. He is a recipient of SME’s Gold Medal, the Gold Medal of the Japanese Society of Technology and Plasticity and the William T. Ennor Manufacturing Technology award of ASME.
In 1985 Dr. Altan led Ohio State University’s effort in establishing the Engineering Research Center for Net Shape Manufacturing (ERC/NSM). The ERC/NSM was funded by NSF and more than 50 manufacturing companies until May 1997. Since then the research and teaching activities of the ERC/NSM continue, mainly with industrial support, in the areas of precision forging, stamping, high speed machining, tube hydroforming and education and training in manufacturing.
7. 문 의 : 기계항공공학부 오 수익 교수 (☏ 880-7151)