세미나 및 행사
Dynamic Accuracy Assessment of Machine Tools and CMMs
세미나 날짜
1. 제목 : Dynamic Accuracy Assessment of Machine Tools and CMMs
Using an Agilent Laser Interferometer
2. 연사 : Prof. Dr. M. Burdekin
3. 일시 : 2000년 10월 30일 (월요일) 오전 11시~12시
4. 장소 : 정밀연 1층 세미나실
5. 내용 : There are numerous examples in precision engineering where errors occur during the movement of the machine or equipment and consequently calibration under dynamic conditions is relevant. This paper outlines three such applications where dynamic error measurements are required. These are, the rotation accuracy of spindle systems; kinematic errors on lathes during the screw-cutting mode and dynamic positional measurements on CMMs. A modern Agilent laser interferometer is adopted as the basis of the dynamic calibration system for which software and additional hardware have been developed to give a practical measuring tool. Details of these three applications are outlined together with examples of the results obtained under practical conditions.
6. 연사 약력 :
Born in 1938, Cheshire in England
BSc and Engineering apprentice ship in various companies
1964~1968 MSc, PhD at UMIST
1970~Present Academic Teaching and Research in Mechanical Eng. UMIST
Fellow of Institution of Mechanical Engineers, UK
Director and consultant to the CD Measurement Co., England
Specialty : Manufacturing Metrology, Machine Tools, Coordinate Measuring Machines, Calibration of Machine Tools, Measuring machines, Robots, Contour Accuracy of Mechanism
Email : melvyn.burdekin@umist.ac.uk
7. 문의처 : 기계항공공학부 박희재 교수 (880-7467)
Using an Agilent Laser Interferometer
2. 연사 : Prof. Dr. M. Burdekin
3. 일시 : 2000년 10월 30일 (월요일) 오전 11시~12시
4. 장소 : 정밀연 1층 세미나실
5. 내용 : There are numerous examples in precision engineering where errors occur during the movement of the machine or equipment and consequently calibration under dynamic conditions is relevant. This paper outlines three such applications where dynamic error measurements are required. These are, the rotation accuracy of spindle systems; kinematic errors on lathes during the screw-cutting mode and dynamic positional measurements on CMMs. A modern Agilent laser interferometer is adopted as the basis of the dynamic calibration system for which software and additional hardware have been developed to give a practical measuring tool. Details of these three applications are outlined together with examples of the results obtained under practical conditions.
6. 연사 약력 :
Born in 1938, Cheshire in England
BSc and Engineering apprentice ship in various companies
1964~1968 MSc, PhD at UMIST
1970~Present Academic Teaching and Research in Mechanical Eng. UMIST
Fellow of Institution of Mechanical Engineers, UK
Director and consultant to the CD Measurement Co., England
Specialty : Manufacturing Metrology, Machine Tools, Coordinate Measuring Machines, Calibration of Machine Tools, Measuring machines, Robots, Contour Accuracy of Mechanism
Email : melvyn.burdekin@umist.ac.uk
7. 문의처 : 기계항공공학부 박희재 교수 (880-7467)