세미나 및 행사

Technical Seminar on Three-Dimensional Inverse Design of Turbomachinery Blades

세미나 날짜 2001-03-21
1. 제 목 : Technical Seminar on Three- Dimensional

Inverse Design Turbomachinery Blades

2. 연 사 : Dr. H. Harada and Dr. A. Goto

Ebara Research Company, LTD.

Center for Technology Development

3. 일 시 : 2000년 10월 31일 (화) 14:30-17:00

4. 장 소 : 정밀기계설계공동연구소 1층 세미나실

5. 내 용 :

Advanced Design Technology Ltd announced the newly developed software named TURBOdesign-1.

As TURBOdesign-1 is based on a three-dimensional inverse design method in which the blade geometry is computed for a specified blade loading, it can lead to break-through design for rotors or stators of all kinds of fluid machines. It can also result in substantial reductions in development time of new designs and therefore considerable savings in costs. The method has already been used by a leading turbomachinery manufacturer in industrial design process and has proved to be robust and reliable.

The contents of our presentation include the following applications

-Diffuser pump stage

-Centrifugal compressor

-Axial-flow steam turbine

-Automotive torque converter

-Coupling with optimization algorithm and CFD

-Axial-flow transonic fan design

6. 문 의 : 기계항공공학부 강 신 형 교수 (☏ : 880-7113)