세미나 및 행사
1.Experiments With Opposed Jets at Small Separations With Emphasis on Extinction
세미나 날짜
1.제목 :
Seminar 1
Experiments With Opposed Jets at Small Separations With Emphasis on Extinction of Opposed Jet Flames
Seminar 2
Measurement of Wall Temperatures in Gas Turbine Combustors Using Thermographic Phosphor Thermometry
2.연사: Dr. A. L. Heyes (Imperial College, Lecturer)
3.일시: 2001년 2월 20일 (화요일) 오후 4시 ~ 5시 30분
4.장소: 301동 1512호
5.연사 약력 :
1989 B. Engr. University of Manchester (Mechanical Eng.)
1991 M. Sc. University of Manchester (Mechanical Eng.)
1994 Ph.D. University of Manchester (Mechanical Eng.)
1992-1995 Rolls Royce plc, Advanced Technologist
1995-현재 Imperial College (Mechanical Engineering)
6. 연락처 : 기계항공공학부 윤영빈 교수 (전화 : 880-1904)
Seminar 1
Experiments With Opposed Jets at Small Separations With Emphasis on Extinction of Opposed Jet Flames
Seminar 2
Measurement of Wall Temperatures in Gas Turbine Combustors Using Thermographic Phosphor Thermometry
2.연사: Dr. A. L. Heyes (Imperial College, Lecturer)
3.일시: 2001년 2월 20일 (화요일) 오후 4시 ~ 5시 30분
4.장소: 301동 1512호
5.연사 약력 :
1989 B. Engr. University of Manchester (Mechanical Eng.)
1991 M. Sc. University of Manchester (Mechanical Eng.)
1994 Ph.D. University of Manchester (Mechanical Eng.)
1992-1995 Rolls Royce plc, Advanced Technologist
1995-현재 Imperial College (Mechanical Engineering)
6. 연락처 : 기계항공공학부 윤영빈 교수 (전화 : 880-1904)