세미나 및 행사
Ford P2000 Fuel Cell Vehicle
세미나 날짜
1. 제목 : Ford P2000 Fuel Cell Vehicle
2. 연사 : 양 웅 철 박사
3. 일시 : 1999년 10월29일(금요일) 오후 4시 - 5시
4. 장소 : 301동 1512호
5. 내용 :
As a first step towards the development of a production vehicle with a fuel cell propulsion system. The Ford Motor Company has developed a protype fuel cell powered vehicle with full passenger car performance. (Believed to be the first full-size, full-performance fuel cell powered passenger car demonstrated by a major automotive manufacturer.) This direct hydrogen fuel cell vehicle is truly cell propulsion system which includes an Ecostar 3-phase traction drive based on Ford's production electric Ranger. This vehicle is a 5 passenger full-sized car(Ford P2000) with an aluminum body which is designed to weigh 2000 pounds when equipped with an internal combustion engine propulsion system. The P2000 was developed as a part of the PNGV (Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles) effort to define a full-sized passenger car with superior fuel efficiency. The fuel cell powertrain and vehicle system are packaged in the P2000 body, and unique control and communication system are integrated for overall vehicle and powertrain control, including various on-board safety systems. This zero emission research vehicle has been tested under road and dynamometer driving conditions for the last seven months. The tests show excellent performance results, which supports the continued interest in the realization of a production fuel cell vehicle. The alliance between Ballard, DaimlerChrysler and Ford will expedite the process of producing fuel cell vehicles acceptable to automotive customers.
6. 연사 약력 :
1973.3 ~ 1977.2 : 서울대학교 공과대학 학사
1982.9 ~ 1983.12 : University of Texas, M.S.
1984.1 ~ 1986. 6 : University of California, Ph.D.
1980.1 ~ 1982.8 : 한국과학기술연구소(KIST)연구원
1986.9 ~ present : Ford Research Laboratory, Staff Technical Specialist
1996.1 ~ 1998.12 : Associate Editor, ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems,
Measurement and Control
1997.7 ~ 1998. 6 : Chairman, ASME Fluid Power Systems and Technology Division
7. 연락처 : 기계항공공학부 이교일 교수 (전화: 880-7135)
2. 연사 : 양 웅 철 박사
3. 일시 : 1999년 10월29일(금요일) 오후 4시 - 5시
4. 장소 : 301동 1512호
5. 내용 :
As a first step towards the development of a production vehicle with a fuel cell propulsion system. The Ford Motor Company has developed a protype fuel cell powered vehicle with full passenger car performance. (Believed to be the first full-size, full-performance fuel cell powered passenger car demonstrated by a major automotive manufacturer.) This direct hydrogen fuel cell vehicle is truly cell propulsion system which includes an Ecostar 3-phase traction drive based on Ford's production electric Ranger. This vehicle is a 5 passenger full-sized car(Ford P2000) with an aluminum body which is designed to weigh 2000 pounds when equipped with an internal combustion engine propulsion system. The P2000 was developed as a part of the PNGV (Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles) effort to define a full-sized passenger car with superior fuel efficiency. The fuel cell powertrain and vehicle system are packaged in the P2000 body, and unique control and communication system are integrated for overall vehicle and powertrain control, including various on-board safety systems. This zero emission research vehicle has been tested under road and dynamometer driving conditions for the last seven months. The tests show excellent performance results, which supports the continued interest in the realization of a production fuel cell vehicle. The alliance between Ballard, DaimlerChrysler and Ford will expedite the process of producing fuel cell vehicles acceptable to automotive customers.
6. 연사 약력 :
1973.3 ~ 1977.2 : 서울대학교 공과대학 학사
1982.9 ~ 1983.12 : University of Texas, M.S.
1984.1 ~ 1986. 6 : University of California, Ph.D.
1980.1 ~ 1982.8 : 한국과학기술연구소(KIST)연구원
1986.9 ~ present : Ford Research Laboratory, Staff Technical Specialist
1996.1 ~ 1998.12 : Associate Editor, ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems,
Measurement and Control
1997.7 ~ 1998. 6 : Chairman, ASME Fluid Power Systems and Technology Division
7. 연락처 : 기계항공공학부 이교일 교수 (전화: 880-7135)