세미나 및 행사
Magnetic Entropy Change of Superparamagnetic
세미나 날짜
1. 제목 : Magnetic Entropy Change of Superparamagnetic
Nanocluster Composites
2. 연사 : Dr. T. NAKAYAMA
Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research
Osaka University
3. 일시 : 2000년 2월 10일 (목요일) 14:00 - 15:00
4. 장소 : 신공학관 (301동) 1409-1호
5. 내용 :
Magnetocaloric effect of nanocluster composites composed of iron and/or iron-oxide nanoclusters dispersed in a silver matrix was studied by calculating magnetic entropy change delta S induced by a change in applied magnetic field H. These nanocluster composites were synthesized by the inert gas condensation technique. Average sizes of the iron-containing grains were 10-35 nm. Magnetic phases in the materials were mixture of the metallic iron and its oxide and its nanocluster size were 2-10 nm. Values of the delta S were obtained by applying a thermodynamic Maxwell's relation to data set of magnetization M measured at various temperatures T. They clearly indicated significant enhancement due to the nanostructure as predicted.
6. 문의 : 최만수 교수 (☏ 880-7128)
Nanocluster Composites
2. 연사 : Dr. T. NAKAYAMA
Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research
Osaka University
3. 일시 : 2000년 2월 10일 (목요일) 14:00 - 15:00
4. 장소 : 신공학관 (301동) 1409-1호
5. 내용 :
Magnetocaloric effect of nanocluster composites composed of iron and/or iron-oxide nanoclusters dispersed in a silver matrix was studied by calculating magnetic entropy change delta S induced by a change in applied magnetic field H. These nanocluster composites were synthesized by the inert gas condensation technique. Average sizes of the iron-containing grains were 10-35 nm. Magnetic phases in the materials were mixture of the metallic iron and its oxide and its nanocluster size were 2-10 nm. Values of the delta S were obtained by applying a thermodynamic Maxwell's relation to data set of magnetization M measured at various temperatures T. They clearly indicated significant enhancement due to the nanostructure as predicted.
6. 문의 : 최만수 교수 (☏ 880-7128)