세미나 및 이벤트
세미나 날짜
장소: 정밀기계설계공동연구소 (313동) 2층 세미나실
일시: 2006년 6월 13일 (화) 2:00 ~ 5:00
(Part I: 2:00 ~ 3:15,
Coffee break: 3:15 ~ 3:45,
Part II: 3:45 ~ 5:00)
This interactive seminar will use demonstrations, lectures and personal exercises to give the participants new insights aimed at fostering creativity and effectiveness in their work and lives. The seminar will focus on overcoming barriers to creativity and providing the participants with insights, experiences and techniques that can used to access their untapped creativity.
Professor Bernard Roth holds a B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering. He has been a faculty member at Stanford University since 1962. He has published approximately 200 research papers in the areas of design, kinematics and robotics, and has received many awards for both his teaching and research. These include: seven Best Paper Awards (ASME), the Melville Medal and the Outstanding Design Educator Award (ASME), J. F. Engleberger Award (IFR) and the Pioneer in Robotics Award (IEEE). He also serves as an industrial and government consultant, is a director of several corporations, and has held top leadership positions in several international professional societies. He is the organizer of workshops on creativity and personal effectiveness, and is one of the founders of Stanford’s “d-school” (http://dschool.stanford.edu).
문의: 기계항공공학부 박종우 교수 (880-7133, fcp@snu.ac.kr)
장소: 정밀기계설계공동연구소 (313동) 2층 세미나실
일시: 2006년 6월 13일 (화) 2:00 ~ 5:00
(Part I: 2:00 ~ 3:15,
Coffee break: 3:15 ~ 3:45,
Part II: 3:45 ~ 5:00)
This interactive seminar will use demonstrations, lectures and personal exercises to give the participants new insights aimed at fostering creativity and effectiveness in their work and lives. The seminar will focus on overcoming barriers to creativity and providing the participants with insights, experiences and techniques that can used to access their untapped creativity.
Professor Bernard Roth holds a B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering. He has been a faculty member at Stanford University since 1962. He has published approximately 200 research papers in the areas of design, kinematics and robotics, and has received many awards for both his teaching and research. These include: seven Best Paper Awards (ASME), the Melville Medal and the Outstanding Design Educator Award (ASME), J. F. Engleberger Award (IFR) and the Pioneer in Robotics Award (IEEE). He also serves as an industrial and government consultant, is a director of several corporations, and has held top leadership positions in several international professional societies. He is the organizer of workshops on creativity and personal effectiveness, and is one of the founders of Stanford’s “d-school” (http://dschool.stanford.edu).
문의: 기계항공공학부 박종우 교수 (880-7133, fcp@snu.ac.kr)