세미나 및 이벤트
[항공]Nonlinearity and Uncertainty Analysis in Aeroelasticity: Overview
세미나 날짜
1. 제목: Nonlinearity and Uncertainty Analysis in Aeroelasticity: Overview
2. 연사: 김태현 박사 (The Boeing Company, Seattle, WA, U.S.A.)
3. 일시: 2006년 4월 10일 (월) 16:00 - 17:00
4. 장소: 서울대 신공학관 (301동) 117호
5. 내용: In this presentation, a brief overview of some of the most recent and active research areas in aeroelasticity will be provided. The topics include, nonlinear aeroelasticity of limit cycle oscillation (LCO), uncertainty quantification, Volterra method, robust aeroelastic stability analysis, and prediction of flutter using flight test measurements. The perspective of this overview is from an aerospace engineer's point of view, rather than an academic one. No in-depth discussion of the subjects will be given but the audience will get a flavor of this fascinating, ever growing research field. It will be shown that despite the formidable challenges, a significant progress is being made for safer design and test of modern airplanes in the presence of the nonlinearity and uncertainty.
6. 연사 약력: Dr. Kim has worked at the Boeing Company for 10 years. Prior to this, he was a research associates at Georgia Tech. Dr. Kim's areas of specialty are structural dynamics and aeroservoelasticity, reduced-order modeling and system identification of large-scaled dynamic systems, structural optimization and integration of dynamic systems. At Boeing, he has developed innovative computational tools to enhance rapid estimation of dynamic loads, flutter and control laws, all of which are essential to designing and analyzing modern aircraft. During the past few years he worked on system identification and order reduction of unsteady aerodynamic and aeroelastic models based on CFD technology. Most recently, he has developed a new, improved closed-loop aeroservoelastic flutter process for the upcoming B787 airplane. He received his B.S. degree from Ajou University, M.S. from University of Texas at Austin, and Ph.D. from MIT.
7. 문 의 : 기계항공공학부 신 상 준 교수 (☏ 880-1642)
2. 연사: 김태현 박사 (The Boeing Company, Seattle, WA, U.S.A.)
3. 일시: 2006년 4월 10일 (월) 16:00 - 17:00
4. 장소: 서울대 신공학관 (301동) 117호
5. 내용: In this presentation, a brief overview of some of the most recent and active research areas in aeroelasticity will be provided. The topics include, nonlinear aeroelasticity of limit cycle oscillation (LCO), uncertainty quantification, Volterra method, robust aeroelastic stability analysis, and prediction of flutter using flight test measurements. The perspective of this overview is from an aerospace engineer's point of view, rather than an academic one. No in-depth discussion of the subjects will be given but the audience will get a flavor of this fascinating, ever growing research field. It will be shown that despite the formidable challenges, a significant progress is being made for safer design and test of modern airplanes in the presence of the nonlinearity and uncertainty.
6. 연사 약력: Dr. Kim has worked at the Boeing Company for 10 years. Prior to this, he was a research associates at Georgia Tech. Dr. Kim's areas of specialty are structural dynamics and aeroservoelasticity, reduced-order modeling and system identification of large-scaled dynamic systems, structural optimization and integration of dynamic systems. At Boeing, he has developed innovative computational tools to enhance rapid estimation of dynamic loads, flutter and control laws, all of which are essential to designing and analyzing modern aircraft. During the past few years he worked on system identification and order reduction of unsteady aerodynamic and aeroelastic models based on CFD technology. Most recently, he has developed a new, improved closed-loop aeroservoelastic flutter process for the upcoming B787 airplane. He received his B.S. degree from Ajou University, M.S. from University of Texas at Austin, and Ph.D. from MIT.
7. 문 의 : 기계항공공학부 신 상 준 교수 (☏ 880-1642)