세미나 및 이벤트
“Model Order Reduction for Analysis of Mechanical Systems”
세미나 날짜
1. 제 목 : “Model Order Reduction for Analysis of Mechanical Systems”
2. 연 사 : 한 정 삼 교수 (안동대학교 기계공학과)
3. 일 시 : 2005년 2월 18일(금) 오전 11:00
4. 장 소 : 301동 1512호 (세미나실)
5. 내 용 : Transient dynamic problems with large numbers of degrees of freedom in mechanical systems are nowadays solvable in a feasible computational time due to the tremendous improvement of computers. However, when the mechanical system needs to be inserted into the whole mechanical/control system model for system-level simulation or when the transient simulation of the system is included in structural optimization, the computational costs for the transient analysis still do not fit within a reasonable design process time. In order to alleviate this computational difficulty, use of the technique of model order reduction (MOR) for accurate and efficient time-dependent simulations is highly recommended.
In this talk, software mor4ansys to perform moment-matching model order reduction using a Krylov subspace via the Arnoldi algorithm directly to ANSYS finite element models will be introduced. Its successful applications to electro-thermal and structural mechanics problems will be discussed as well.
6. 약 력 :1991. 03 ~ 1995. 02 경북대학교 기계공학과 학사졸업
1995. 03 ~ 1997. 02 KAIST 기계공학과 석사졸업
1997. 03 ~ 2003. 02 KAIST 기계공학과 박사졸업
2003. 03 ~ 2003. 09 KAIST 기계기술연구소 연구원
2003. 10 ~ 2005. 01 Institute for Microsystem Technology (Germany) Post Doc. 연구원
7. 문 의 : 기계항공공학부 김 윤 영 교수 (☏ 880-7154)
2. 연 사 : 한 정 삼 교수 (안동대학교 기계공학과)
3. 일 시 : 2005년 2월 18일(금) 오전 11:00
4. 장 소 : 301동 1512호 (세미나실)
5. 내 용 : Transient dynamic problems with large numbers of degrees of freedom in mechanical systems are nowadays solvable in a feasible computational time due to the tremendous improvement of computers. However, when the mechanical system needs to be inserted into the whole mechanical/control system model for system-level simulation or when the transient simulation of the system is included in structural optimization, the computational costs for the transient analysis still do not fit within a reasonable design process time. In order to alleviate this computational difficulty, use of the technique of model order reduction (MOR) for accurate and efficient time-dependent simulations is highly recommended.
In this talk, software mor4ansys to perform moment-matching model order reduction using a Krylov subspace via the Arnoldi algorithm directly to ANSYS finite element models will be introduced. Its successful applications to electro-thermal and structural mechanics problems will be discussed as well.
6. 약 력 :1991. 03 ~ 1995. 02 경북대학교 기계공학과 학사졸업
1995. 03 ~ 1997. 02 KAIST 기계공학과 석사졸업
1997. 03 ~ 2003. 02 KAIST 기계공학과 박사졸업
2003. 03 ~ 2003. 09 KAIST 기계기술연구소 연구원
2003. 10 ~ 2005. 01 Institute for Microsystem Technology (Germany) Post Doc. 연구원
7. 문 의 : 기계항공공학부 김 윤 영 교수 (☏ 880-7154)