세미나 및 이벤트
Recent development and new applications in a grid middleware DIET
세미나 날짜
1. 제 목 : Recent development and new applications in a grid middleware DIET
2. 연 사 : Dr. Frederic Desprez, Senior researcher at INRIA
3. 일 시 : 2004년 12월 16일 (목) 14:30 - 15:30
4. 장 소 : 서울대학교 신공학관(301동) 204호 세미나실
5. 내 용 :
DIET (Distributed Interactive Engineering Toolbox) is a set of hierarchical components to design Network Enabled Server systems. These systems are built upon servers managed through distributed scheduling agents for a better scalability. Clients ask to these scheduling components to find servers available (using some performance metrics and information about the location of data already on the network). Our target architecture is the grid which is highly heterogeneous and dynamic. In this presentation, we will describe new results and development around scheduling and monitoring of the platform as well as some recent experimentations on several clusters. A new target application will be also presented.
6. 약 력
-1994, PHD Thesis at ENS
-1994, Postdoc at ICL Lab(Jack Dongarra),The University of Tennessee Knoxville
-1995, assistant professor at ENSEIRB (Bordeaux, France)
-1995-2002, research officer at Inria, LIP Laboratory, ENS Lyon
-2001-present, research director at Inria, LIP Laboratory, ENS Lyon,
-2001-Present, LIP Laboratory vice-chair
7. 문 의 : 기계항공공학부 김승조 교수 (☏ 880-7388)
2. 연 사 : Dr. Frederic Desprez, Senior researcher at INRIA
3. 일 시 : 2004년 12월 16일 (목) 14:30 - 15:30
4. 장 소 : 서울대학교 신공학관(301동) 204호 세미나실
5. 내 용 :
DIET (Distributed Interactive Engineering Toolbox) is a set of hierarchical components to design Network Enabled Server systems. These systems are built upon servers managed through distributed scheduling agents for a better scalability. Clients ask to these scheduling components to find servers available (using some performance metrics and information about the location of data already on the network). Our target architecture is the grid which is highly heterogeneous and dynamic. In this presentation, we will describe new results and development around scheduling and monitoring of the platform as well as some recent experimentations on several clusters. A new target application will be also presented.
6. 약 력
-1994, PHD Thesis at ENS
-1994, Postdoc at ICL Lab(Jack Dongarra),The University of Tennessee Knoxville
-1995, assistant professor at ENSEIRB (Bordeaux, France)
-1995-2002, research officer at Inria, LIP Laboratory, ENS Lyon
-2001-present, research director at Inria, LIP Laboratory, ENS Lyon,
-2001-Present, LIP Laboratory vice-chair
7. 문 의 : 기계항공공학부 김승조 교수 (☏ 880-7388)