세미나 및 이벤트

Aerodynamic measurement of Aero-train at High-speed ShinKansen

세미나 날짜 2004-08-31
1. 제 목 : Aerodynamic measurement of Aero-train at High-speed ShinKansen

2. 연 사 : Prof. Yasuaki P. Kohama,Institute of Fluid Science,Tohoku University

3. 일 시 : 2004년 9월 13일 (월) 10:30~12:30

4. 장 소 : 301동 117호 세미나실

5. 요 약

One of our most serious environmental problems originated in the huge amount of fossil and atomic energy consumption to sustain our convenient way of life. The fundamental resolution of such problems is to create and establish pollution-free energy systems. First of all, we should practically show how we could stop emitting carbon dioxide from a high speed transportation system, by our Aero- Train concept.

The Aero-Train project was proposed to answer the question of how to solve serious environmental problem. If total drag is drastically minimized, then natural energy, like solar and wind, will become usable. A wheel system had been introduced to reduce this drag. However, it still created quite a large loss. If the vehicle could be suspended somehow, then this loss would be reduced dramatically. Using available technology, the vehicle can only be suspended electro-magnetically or aero-dynamically utilizing “wing in ground effect”. it is clear that energy efficiency would be far better in the case of an aerodynamic system if it could become reality. The Aero-Train runs at 500km/h where the aerodynamic lifting force (wing in ground effect) becomes very large and the drag force becomes smaller compared to the lifting force.

If the most difficult system like present proposed system (Ground transportation system with 500km/h) is successfully developed and put into in service, then other less difficult systems can be more easily realized in the society. As a result, all systems can become human friendly and eventually, we could create a pollution-free society. Therefore, the development of the “Aero-Train” system is very critical

6. 약 력 : 1985~1996:Associate Professor (Tohoku University)

1989~1990:Research stay at Arizona State University

and NASA Ames Research Center (United States)

1996~Present:Professor (Tohoku University)

2003~Present: Director of the Trans-disciplinary Fluid Integration

Research Center of the Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University

7. 문 의 : 기계항공공학부 이동호 교수 (☏880-1900)