세미나 및 이벤트
Theory of Complexity(서 남 표 MIT 기계공학과 교수)
세미나 날짜
1. 제 목 : Theory of Complexity
2. 연 사 : 서 남 표 MIT 기계공학과 교수
(Department of Mechanical Engineering, MIT, The Ralph E. & Eloise F. Cross Professor)
3. 일 시 : 2004년 8월 6일 금요일 오후 3시~4시
4. 장 소 : 차세대 자동차 연구센터(314동) 2층 강당
5. 연사약력 :
Education : S.B. 1959, S.M. 1961 MIT, Ph.D 1964 CMU Research
Interests : Materials Processing; Manufacturing; Tribology; Mechanical Behavior of Materials; Design
Positions Held :
1970-1975, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, MIT
1973-1984, Director, MlT-Industry Polymer Processing Program
1975-Present, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, MIT
1977-1984, Director, Laboratory for Manufacturing and Productivity, MIT
1989-Present, Cross Professor
1990-Present, Director, Manufacturing Institute, MIT
1991-2001, Department Head, Dept. of Mechanical Eng., MIT
1984-1988, National Science Foundation, Assistant Director for Engineering (Presidential Appointee)
Honors and Awards :
Gustus L. Larson Memorial Award, Pi Tau Sigma and ASME, 1976; Election to CIRP, 1978; Citation Classic of ISI, 1979; Best Paper Award of SPE, 1981; Blackall Award of ASME, 1982; Who's Who in America; Honorary D Eng. Worcester Polytechnic Institute, 1986; The F.W. Taylor Research Award, SME, 1986; Fellow, ASME 1987; Federal Engineer of the Year, NSPE, 1987; Distinguished Service Award, NSF 1987; Honorary LHD, University of Mass., 1988; Foreign Member, Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Science, 1988; Centennial Medallion Award, ASEE, 1993; The Ennor Manufacturing Technology Award, ASME, 1993; The KBS Award for Scholarly Achievements, 1995; Korean Academy of Science and Technology Life Member, 1995; The 1997 Ho-Am Prize for Engineering, Ho-Am Foundation, 1997; Honorary Doctor (Tekn. Hedersdoktor), Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, 2000; The Mensforth International Gold Medal, The Institution of Electrical Engineers, United Kingdom, March 15, 2001; The Hills Millennium Award of the Institution of Engineering Designers of the United Kingdom (First recipient), June 4, 2001.
6. 문 의 : 기계항공공학부 주종남 교수 (☏880-7136)
2. 연 사 : 서 남 표 MIT 기계공학과 교수
(Department of Mechanical Engineering, MIT, The Ralph E. & Eloise F. Cross Professor)
3. 일 시 : 2004년 8월 6일 금요일 오후 3시~4시
4. 장 소 : 차세대 자동차 연구센터(314동) 2층 강당
5. 연사약력 :
Education : S.B. 1959, S.M. 1961 MIT, Ph.D 1964 CMU Research
Interests : Materials Processing; Manufacturing; Tribology; Mechanical Behavior of Materials; Design
Positions Held :
1970-1975, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, MIT
1973-1984, Director, MlT-Industry Polymer Processing Program
1975-Present, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, MIT
1977-1984, Director, Laboratory for Manufacturing and Productivity, MIT
1989-Present, Cross Professor
1990-Present, Director, Manufacturing Institute, MIT
1991-2001, Department Head, Dept. of Mechanical Eng., MIT
1984-1988, National Science Foundation, Assistant Director for Engineering (Presidential Appointee)
Honors and Awards :
Gustus L. Larson Memorial Award, Pi Tau Sigma and ASME, 1976; Election to CIRP, 1978; Citation Classic of ISI, 1979; Best Paper Award of SPE, 1981; Blackall Award of ASME, 1982; Who's Who in America; Honorary D Eng. Worcester Polytechnic Institute, 1986; The F.W. Taylor Research Award, SME, 1986; Fellow, ASME 1987; Federal Engineer of the Year, NSPE, 1987; Distinguished Service Award, NSF 1987; Honorary LHD, University of Mass., 1988; Foreign Member, Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Science, 1988; Centennial Medallion Award, ASEE, 1993; The Ennor Manufacturing Technology Award, ASME, 1993; The KBS Award for Scholarly Achievements, 1995; Korean Academy of Science and Technology Life Member, 1995; The 1997 Ho-Am Prize for Engineering, Ho-Am Foundation, 1997; Honorary Doctor (Tekn. Hedersdoktor), Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, 2000; The Mensforth International Gold Medal, The Institution of Electrical Engineers, United Kingdom, March 15, 2001; The Hills Millennium Award of the Institution of Engineering Designers of the United Kingdom (First recipient), June 4, 2001.
6. 문 의 : 기계항공공학부 주종남 교수 (☏880-7136)