세미나 및 이벤트
New Opportunities in Fluid Dynamics using Numerical Simulation
세미나 날짜
세미나 제목 :
“New Opportunities in Fluid Dynamics using Numerical Simulation”
연사 :“Dr. Sukumar R. Chakravarthy”
일시 :2004년 05월 22일 오후 1시
요약 :
Dr. Sukumar developed the first “full Navier-Stokes” codes (as opposed to thin-layer Navier-Stokes approach) using the approximate factorization method. Along with Prof. Osher of UCLA he pioneered the development of modern upwind schemes for hyperbolic equations.
He pioneered the use of relaxation methods for hyperbolic systems, Multiblock methods, implicit schemes and boundary conditions, unification of time and space marching, higher order upwind schemes for curvilinear coordinate systems, etc. In collaboration with Prof. Ami Harten, he developed UNO and ENO schemes (Uniformly accurate Non-Oscillatory schemes and Essentially Non-Oscillatory schemes) of arbitrarily high orders of accuracy.
Also, he has contributed to grid generation using conformal mappings, elliptic and hyperbolic equations, and algebraic methods. Some of the pioneering work in shock fitting, shock capturing, explicit and implicit boundary conditions, relaxation methods, structured multizone and unstructured grid formulations, are among his accomplishments.
Today, he will show the future prospects of CFD based on his career.
약력 :
1985 NASA Ames Research Center's H. Julian Allen Award.
1989 Chosen as one of Rockwell's Engineers of the Year.
-1994 Manager of Computational Fluid Dynamics, Rockwell International's Science Center
Adjunct Professor UCLA (Mechanical, Aerospace and Nuclear Engineering)
1994 Founding Metacomp Technologies
- Present Developing advanced algorithms at Metacomp Technologies.
Developing CFD++ software suite
문 의 : 기계항공공학부 김종암 교수 (☏ 880-1915)
“New Opportunities in Fluid Dynamics using Numerical Simulation”
연사 :“Dr. Sukumar R. Chakravarthy”
일시 :2004년 05월 22일 오후 1시
요약 :
Dr. Sukumar developed the first “full Navier-Stokes” codes (as opposed to thin-layer Navier-Stokes approach) using the approximate factorization method. Along with Prof. Osher of UCLA he pioneered the development of modern upwind schemes for hyperbolic equations.
He pioneered the use of relaxation methods for hyperbolic systems, Multiblock methods, implicit schemes and boundary conditions, unification of time and space marching, higher order upwind schemes for curvilinear coordinate systems, etc. In collaboration with Prof. Ami Harten, he developed UNO and ENO schemes (Uniformly accurate Non-Oscillatory schemes and Essentially Non-Oscillatory schemes) of arbitrarily high orders of accuracy.
Also, he has contributed to grid generation using conformal mappings, elliptic and hyperbolic equations, and algebraic methods. Some of the pioneering work in shock fitting, shock capturing, explicit and implicit boundary conditions, relaxation methods, structured multizone and unstructured grid formulations, are among his accomplishments.
Today, he will show the future prospects of CFD based on his career.
약력 :
1985 NASA Ames Research Center's H. Julian Allen Award.
1989 Chosen as one of Rockwell's Engineers of the Year.
-1994 Manager of Computational Fluid Dynamics, Rockwell International's Science Center
Adjunct Professor UCLA (Mechanical, Aerospace and Nuclear Engineering)
1994 Founding Metacomp Technologies
- Present Developing advanced algorithms at Metacomp Technologies.
Developing CFD++ software suite
문 의 : 기계항공공학부 김종암 교수 (☏ 880-1915)