세미나 및 이벤트

Development of a Micro-CMM for Nanometrology

세미나 날짜 2001-05-15
1. 제목 : Development of a Micro-CMM for Nanometrology

2. 연사 : Dr. Kuang-Chao Fan

Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University

3. 일시 : 2001년 5월 18일 (금요일) 오전 10:00 (1시간)

4. 장소 : 301동 1409-1호 (14층 세미나실)

5. 내용 :

A high precision Micro-CMM(Coordinate measuring machine) is under development at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University. The expected measuring range is 20 x 20 x 10 mm and the resolution is about 10 nm. Dual motion stages are constructed in each axis. The coarse X-Y-Z stage is driven by the piezo-ceramic linear motor in each axis. A monolithic 4-axis fine motion stage actuated by PZT provides micro-positioning in X-Y-Z- directions. An auto-focusing optical probe is developed for profile measurements. A linear diffraction grating interferometer is developed for the feedback of linear motion. In this report, the design principles of the developed Micro-CMM will be described.

6. 연사 약력 :

B.S in Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University, 1972

M.S in Mechanical Engineering, State University of New York at Buffalo, 1976

Ph.D in Mechanical Engineering, University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, 1984

1989. 8. - present, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University

1999. 8. - 2000. 7., Associate Dean, College of Engineering, NTU

2000.8.-present, Director, NTU Incubation Division

7. 문의처 : 기계항공공학부 박희재 교수 (880-7467)

8. 이번주의 다른 세미나 :

열유체분야에서 무차원수의 재해석 - 5/18(금) 4시 301동 1512호