

Graduate Scholarship for Excellent Foreign Students(2010 Spring)

1. 지원자격
가. 부모가 모두 외국국적을 가진 외국인으로서 초ㆍ중등교육과 대학교육에 상응하는 교육과정을 전부 외국에서 이수하고 학사(석사과정 지원자) 또는 석사(박사과정 지원자)학위를 취득한 자
나. 본 프로그램 이수 후 자국의 국가발전에 기여할 것으로 예상되어 출신대학으로부터 추천을 받은 자
다. 국가별 해당대학 출신자

2. 제출서류
○ 입학지원서(서울대 서식) 1부
○ 자기소개서 및 수학계획서(자유 서식) 1부
○ 출신대학의 추천서(서울대 서식) 2부; 2인에게 각 1부
○ 출신대학 학부(석사)과정 성적증명서 1부
○ 출신대학 학사(석사)학위 증명서 및 졸업 증명서 각 1부
○ 지원자 및 부모의 국적 증명서(여권서본 등) 각 1부
○ 지원자와 부모의 관계 입증 서류 (친자와 부부관계 등)
○ 재정확인서 1부
○ 학력조회동의서 1부
○ 어학능력 입증자료를 비롯한 전형참고자료
- 한국어능력시험(KPT), 토플(TOEFL), 텝스(TEPS)
○ GSFS 장학금 지원서 1부

3. 전형요소 및 전형방법
○ 2010학년도 전기 외국인 특별전형과 동일하게 On-line으로 접수, GSFS 대상자 중 모집단위 대학(원)특별전형위원회에서 적격으로 평가받은 자 중에서 고득점 순으로 선발인원만큼만 선발

4. 전형절차 및 접수방법
1) 홈페이지 모집안내서 게재, 해당 외국대학에 이메일 홍보
2) On-line 지원서 접수 : 2009. 7. 30. 18:00
3) 지원서류 접수 : 2009. 7. 31. 마감(입학관리본부로 우편 제출)
4) 장학금 신청서 접수 : 2009. 8. 7. 마감(대외협력본부)
5) 외국인 특별전형 지원자 중 GSFS 대상자를 선별하여 외국인 특별전형 평가서에 GSFS 대상 여부 표시
6) 2010학년도 전기 외국인 특별전형 시행
7) 합격자 발표(2009. 11. 13.)
8) 입학허가서 및 안내문 발송(2009.11월말 : 대외협력본부)
9) 한국어능력시험(언어교육원) : 2010. 2월 중 실시 예정

<for English version>

1. Admissions Eligibility and Requirements
1) Master''s Program Applicants
Applicants must meet all of the following requirements:
① He or she must hold a Bachelor’s degree, or is considered by the admission committee to have an acceptable intellectual competence at the level of someone holding an equivalent or higher degree; ② Neither the applicant nor his/her parents are citizens of Korea; ③ Students who are attending or graduated from the eligible universities.

(Required Documents)
- One completed Application Form (Form 1)
- Study Plan and Personal Statement (Form 2; in English or Korean)
- Two letters of recommendation: A letter of Recommendation (Form 3) from the university the applicant is currently attending in his/her country
- Official documents:
Official Undergraduate Studies Transcript
Notarized Certificate of a Bachelor''s Degree / Undergraduate School Graduation Certificate
NOTE: If you are currently enrolled in an undergraduate program, you should submit an official document that indicates your expected date of graduation.
- A copy of the applicant''s passport (or other official document indicating your nationality)
- Copies of both parents'' passports (or other official documents indicating parents'' nationality)
- Official document indicating parent-child relationship between the applicant and his/her parents
- Financial Certification (Form 4)
- A score report of a recognized English proficiency test (TOEFL, TEPS, IELTS, TOEIC, etc.). Native speakers of English are exempt from this requirement.
- Supplementary materials for applicants to programs in the Fine Arts, Music and Physical Education (portfolio, photographs of works, recordings of performances, etc.)
- Verification of Academic Record
- Application Form for the GSFS program (Form 5)

2) Doctoral Program Applicants
Applicants must meet all of the following requirements:
① He or she must hold a master’s degree, or is considered by the admission committee to have an acceptable intellectual competence at the level of someone holding an equivalent or higher degree; ② Neither the applicant nor his/her parents are citizens of Korea; ; ③
Students who are attending or graduated from the eligible universities.

(Required Documents)
- One completed Application Form (Form 1)
- Study Plan and Personal Statement (Form 2; in English or Korean)
- Two letters of recommendation: A letter of Recommendation (Form 3) from the university the applicant is currently attending in his/her country
- Official documents:
Official Undergraduate and Graduate Studies Transcripts
Notarized Certificates of Bachelor''s and Master''s Degrees
Graduation Certificates of Undergraduate and Graduate School
NOTE: If you are currently enrolled in a graduate program, you should submit an official document that indicates your expected date of graduation.
- A copy of the applicant''s passport (or other official document indicating your nationality)
- Copies of both parents'' passports (or other official documents indicating parents'' nationality)
- Official document indicating parent-child relationship between the applicant and his/her parents
- Financial Certification (Form 4)
- A score report of a recognized English proficiency test (TOEFL, TEPS, IELTS, TOEIC, etc.). Native speakers of English are exempt from this requirement.
- Supplementary materials for applicants to programs in the Fine Arts, Music and Physical Education (portfolio, photographs of works, recordings of performances, etc.)
- Verification of Academic Record
- Application Form for the GSFS program (Form 5)

2. Application Timeline
1) On-line Application Deadline : 18:00, 30 July 2009
2) Submission of Documents : 18:00, 31 July 2009
3) Submission of scholarship application : 18:00, 7 August 2009
4) Admissions Decision Announcement : 13 November 2009
5) Notification of GSFS result : 17 November 2009
6) Registration for Classes : 19-25 February 2010
7) Korean Proficiency Test : February 2010
8) First Day of Class : 1 March 2010

** You have to apply until 31, July in site(http://admission.snu.ac.kr/)